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  1. G

    Let's talk cutter grinders

    I have the dekel clone d bit grinder only problem I have is in the first set up step for any job put the white dot in the white dot window there is no white dot there is no window. Both Robin Renzetti and Stephan Gotteswinter have good vids on the deckel clone. The adapter to grind lathe tools...
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    Farm Boy Milestones

  3. G

    Farm Boy Milestones

    I get the same dimensions as you did you ever find out if the drawing was correct It seems to work from centreline to centre line.
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    Gear cutting

    The farm boy gear cutters are #2 and #3 14 1/2 pa if you want to use mod a bloke on you tube called whale has done all the calcs for you.
  5. G

    High speed drilling, sensitive drills?

    I have 1 .8 and .5 mm centre drills they are not expensive and very good joe pieczynski on you tube does a good sensitive drill feed
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    Aussie stews workshop 1

    Stew i purchased the 960 is it tool room lathe sitting in a shed in my back yard it’s not to shabby
  7. G

    270 Offy

    Terry excellent explanation on timing as are your thoughts on machining gears for small engines
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    TIM 6 ignition

    The numbers and letters on the sensor are not what your looking for apparently. Honeywell ss 443A worked for me
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    Howell vtwin

    Have had heaps of ignition problems not being to savy with electronicsi blamed my problem on that lack of skill intermittent spark blowing up hall sensor .i had a look at the drawing for the drum that holds the magnet and realized i had the magnet position back to front remade the drum all...
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    Quarter Scale Merlin V-12

    Terry Off topic but what spark plugs did you use in your howell v twin Regards Geo
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    Howell V-Twin

    How did you go fitting the cm-6 spark plugs ? I can cut a couple of fins as per drawing still difficult to get a socket on the plug Trying to source a 10 mm hex but the electrode lengths are to long on the k series plugs . Looking good as a door stop.
  12. G

    Hoglet build

    Measure your drill bits or you will get caught
  13. G

    Howell V-Twin

    Good job I have been mucking about for3 years latest cock up is valve seat insert od is larger than the spring have to make a tool up to repair or press the out and start again , other than that problem I only have the needle valves to make.
  14. G

    Howell v-2 four stroke gas engine.

    Gus The elbow from the gear case to the crankcase a bit tricky I'll be happy to bolt it altogether if it runs that's a bonus
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    Quarter Scale Merlin V-12

    Terry a it off topic toying with the idea of a tormach mill are you happy with your machine Cheers Geo
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    Gear suppliers in Oz.

    Herbie Capalaba miniature bearings in Brisbane have an excellent range of gears bearings what ever you want there on line catalogue is worth a look
  17. G

    Howell v2

    I had to remake my gear case ,completed and all gears/cams fit and operate The gears I cut for my oil pump aren't up to scratch so I redid them so l now have good gears but they don't like my pump body looks like I will have to redo my pump body.Think I might take the dog for a walk .
  18. G

    Howell v-2 four stroke gas engine.

    Gus The offset for the camshaft holes is.737 I had my drawing sitting on the mill and read it as .732 the end of the seven finishes on a hidden detail line looks a bit like a two what's the old saying check twice do once . The point is as you say in your posts your not on deadlines the family...
  19. G

    Howell v-2 four stroke gas engine.

    I broke a drill bit in the gear case drilling the oil gallery's it's now a paperweight I make it a rule not to do any machining after I've been on night shift thought I'd just face off some material for a new gear case locked up the power feed destroyed the mechanism In the apron and one gear...
  20. G

    Howell v twin

    Can anyone tell me if the cam gearsare loctited to the cams and the tail shaft loctited to the crank disk