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  1. Blogwitch

    soft soldering question

    Don't try to do it with your electronic iron, it just won't be hot enough. I use either a 200 watt iron or a plumbers soldering torch which I normally use for silver solder. The torch being preferred. Because things have changed a little over the last few years, you will be lucky to find...
  2. Blogwitch

    Does a graphite piston wear down?

    Just a bit of advice if you are going to try to get cast iron from a sash weight. If you come from the US or Canada, don't even try. They seemed to have used any old dross to cast them with, maybe end of day just to get rid of anything left in the furnace. If you come from the UK, go ahead, I...
  3. Blogwitch

    Small milling

    Surely Wes, if that is the only problem, can't reach say the X axis handle, then just use say the last few inches of the table. If you mount your vice and get the handle in a position where, still sitting down, you can reach it. Just like having a 12" long table. Not the same problem as you...
  4. Blogwitch

    Small milling

    Wes, I have a Bridgey clone and never had any trouble holding or machining small parts. Just one little tool solves almost all problems, a 1" machinist vice. The smaller size one isn't shown on here but it does show the type I mean...
  5. Blogwitch

    Does a graphite piston wear down?

    Hi Russ, There are a couple of limitations and good thoughts on the use of graphite. The first one is that it is easy to machine, although rather dirty to do so, and to reach those fine tolerances use newspaper wrapped around a backing board to wear the surface down to what is required. It is...
  6. Blogwitch

    ELMERS NO.7 square

    Jon, For protecting materials use cut up soft drinks can, can't get much cheaper than that. Plus, if you need to shim between two parts, then cooking foil is almost perfect, being a whisper under 0.001", for what you would be doing, that tiny bit under shouldn't make any difference. Keep up...
  7. Blogwitch

    More confusion over flame lickers

    I don't have any pictures at this time showing the wick configuration for the Jan Ridders flame gulper. But if you carefully watch the wick tubes, you will see how close and how high the flames need to be to get it running nicely. I do have another vid of it running outside, which is almost...
  8. Blogwitch

    More confusion over flame lickers

    I did my learning curve on that Jan Ridders one many years ago. Although fairly easy to make, setting it up and flame position can cause great frustration. I got it running with both meths and gas, but eventually used meths. All sizes of wicks were trialled and I eventually ended up with a...
  9. Blogwitch

    A cheap toolpost grinder

    Baz, That motor should be perfect for a toolpost grinder. Where people go wrong is that they use motors that are too slow. It is very easy to gear down to give slower speeds, but rather more difficult to speed up to the required speed without overloading the motor. My TG had a burnt out motor...
  10. Blogwitch

    Can I scale up the John-Tom Poppin plan

    R, Most probably because I haven't actually shown any build posts for a long time, and relying on my very poor memory and my archive to answer questions. But all is not lost, I had two very good friends come over last weekend and they managed to get lots of heavy stuff moved out of my shop into...
  11. Blogwitch

    Drilling hardened rods , masonry drill

    If you want the same profile as a normal twist drill, then these are the things to get, used by locksmiths to drill out hardened locks. John
  12. Blogwitch

    Can I scale up the John-Tom Poppin plan

    Frazer, Glad to be of use to someone John
  13. Blogwitch

    Can I scale up the John-Tom Poppin plan

    Go to this link and it should translate Gerds website for you This is Gerds email address, he speaks a little english, enough for him to know what you are on about. Just tell him what type...
  14. Blogwitch

    Can I scale up the John-Tom Poppin plan

    Russ, I speak only enough German to get me to somewhere to eat, sleep and to go to the toilet, but what more than dimensions do you really need to work from his plans. Initially I used Google translate on his site and it did a very good job of letting me know what it was all about. All I...
  15. Blogwitch

    Can I scale up the John-Tom Poppin plan

    Large ones, The plans are very good John
  16. Blogwitch

    Which tapping head?

    I have the red one at the bottom, I don't know about the cheaper black Vertex ones above them. You would need to ask if they auto reverse. John
  17. Blogwitch

    Which tapping head?

    I have found that the Vertex tapping heads are not only cheap, but very good operationally. They come in a few sizes, small, medium and large, go down the page a little. They should be available in the US...
  18. Blogwitch

    Surface grinder

    No idea what you are on about, but as long as it is no more than 12" long and 6" wide, it should do it. John
  19. Blogwitch

    Surface grinder

    Give me a call tomorrow (not too early) to let me know what you need doing. My surface grinder isn't fully commisioned but it might be able to do your job John
  20. Blogwitch

    Tool Post Grinder

    Peter, The bearing are angular contact bearing. Like these The red threaded things are just covers. The other things you have correct , plus the end.nut on the sheave puts on the preload. But as I have said...