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  1. Blogwitch

    Lathe service

    D, As you said, "To the casual observer it might look like one hundred years of neglect" Paint and oil slicks don't do the cutting, the lathe tool does. Unless of course you are a machine polisher, which to me,does more harm than good, as the excess oil can clean out areas you can't see. I...
  2. Blogwitch


    There is no problem making a water jacket, just tight coil copper tube around the cylinder and you will find that perfectly good enough. A small water pick up behind the propeller, then up or down through the coil and out through the hull and the job is done. Why make life difficult for...
  3. Blogwitch

    Tool Holders

    If you are happy with them D, then all decisions should be yours alone. Very nicely done. If I was attempting that type, I would have a bit more meat under the tool itself, but I suppose, because of the where your toolpost sits, it wouldn't allow the correct height to be set as the holder would...
  4. Blogwitch

    Why a forum on disabilities?

    Graham, Sometimes you can't help not getting into your shop, it all depends what is wrong with you. I too am a toolaholic and have been buying tooling kits like they are going out of fashion, all in the hope I can get through my latest health problem to give me at least a few months on the...
  5. Blogwitch

    1/4 Galloway Hit and Miss engine

    Beautiful piece of weathering work there Mark. Having built scale model boats for many many years I can appreciate the work that is involved getting that scale look, in fact, sometimes, it takes as long to get that finish than it usually does to make the model. Absolutely wonderful John
  6. Blogwitch

    Why a forum on disabilities?

    Good on you Graham, at least you haven't given up like a lot of people have to. Different set of circumstances for me but the same sorts of problems. For every problem there is a solution for you to carry on just that little bit longer. John
  7. Blogwitch

    Hello from Hertfordshire

    Pat, In fact this engine (still a perfect runner) has done many hours, the discoloration is caused by using a blowtorch to warm up the cylinders for a few minutes. When people call around, they always want to see my engines running, so it has had a lot of warm ups. With this engine, without...
  8. Blogwitch

    Hello from Hertfordshire

    Patrick, Don't be ashamed of your far eastern machinery, with a little care and looking after they are just as good as old iron, in many cases, far superior. The Jan Ridders flame licker that I built was the first one to be shown running on the open web many moons ago. But instead of one...
  9. Blogwitch

    A Simple Fixed Steady

    Lovely job F. I have found that little tools like this for a one off job soon become indispensable and you wished you had taken a lot more time and effort in their design and manufacture. I am sure you will soon be finding all sorts of jobs for it. John
  10. Blogwitch

    5"g Simplex steam loco build (hopefully)

    Baz, Ok, it is a UK supplier, but that shouldn't cause a problem. For small steel and brass taper pins (metric), try these It is also worth immersing yourself in the website, I always find lots of...
  11. Blogwitch

    Efficient use of time

    As I have got older, time has become more precious. Like most people, I would spend hours and days making just one piece part, with no thought of how much the item had cost me to make in hours at the going rate I used to charge for someone else's job. Now, I look at what I want to produce, and...
  12. Blogwitch

    Lathe Brake

    Norm, I had the same question asked about the Myford nose adapter on my powered RT, why it never came undone when I was machining using it. The only reason is the way I made both the noses and the way I do fit the chucks and the speed I run them at. The first thing is that I made both to very...
  13. Blogwitch

    Truing the chuck super easy

    Rudy, I am so glad you have invested in one of these 4 jaw self centering chucks, especially the soft jaws as well. In fact one set of jaws (if mine are anything to go by) will last you a few good years. All my self centering 4 jaws (I think 4 or 5 at this time) run to a finer tolerance than...
  14. Blogwitch

    Lathe Brake

    I run my lathe as either a D1-4 or a Myford nose, and despite using the drum brake harshly, I have never had the Myford chucks come unscrewed. John
  15. Blogwitch

    Taper Turning

    You might do OK if you use your topslide (compound) to get the taper and to make your reamer like a D-bit. John
  16. Blogwitch

    Lathe Brake

    Lovely piece of work, simple and it does the job. I have an instantaneous emergency brake on my far eastern machines, but they are old school, having a brake drum rather than a disc brake that actually works on the back of the spindle, but I am sure yours is more efficient, and yes, if ever you...
  17. Blogwitch

    John Stevenson - RIP

    Just a note to remind people that he won't be forgotten as his great little website is going to remain by being run by his son and other members of the modelling world. John
  18. Blogwitch

    John Stevenson - RIP

    I had a phone call this morning informing me that John had passed away peacefully in his sleep earlier this morning. A very sad loss to the model engineering fraternity. His engineering skills and methods have most probably touched most people without them actually knowing it. John
  19. Blogwitch

    John Stevenson

    I suppose you could write a bit to John on here, as I am sure he will still be reading this site from his hospital bed. But please, no sympathy, he doesn't appreciate it, maybe something with a bit of humour, just to lift his spirits. So come on John, get your finger out, you were well ahead...
  20. Blogwitch

    John Stevenson

    John has a major health problem which started just before mine. I was told to keep it quiet as he isn't one who likes sympathy, but the cat has been let out of the bag. Rather than me repeating it all, could you please go to here and reply if you want to...