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  1. M

    ER collet chuck for Craftsman 6" lathe

    Mosey, Thx for the link. Those German made collet chucks look like a good deal. Although they are not what I am looking for. I am wanting the chuck to thread to the spindle is that it can be removed from the lathe and transfered it to the mill, rotary table, drill press, etc... and then back...
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    ER collet chuck for Craftsman 6" lathe

    Bob, I never gave a thought to the unit being hardened. There is always one critical issue that is missed during sleepless nights. I wonder if only the Cat50 hub is hardened. Maybe it could annealed. Mosey, I forgot to mention in my post about the MT2 ER chucks. I may go that route, but it...
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    ER collet chuck for Craftsman 6" lathe

    Last night I was facing a longish piece of stock and noticed that the spindle bushings on this lathe are in dire need of attention. Tightening the SHCS's had little effect, so a call to Clausing will be in order. This got me thinking about accuracy. I have a set of MT2 collets that I use...
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    Six Shooter Elbow Engine

    Using the base of the rotary table as an angle plate was very creative. I am finding that half the challenge in machining is figuring how to hold the work piece. Especially when a specific tool is not readily availible. I needed to cut facets in the cylinder for a wobbler. I was about to give...
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    Six Shooter Elbow Engine

    Yes, I'm still breathing. Or is it panting and drooling. I can't type because I have shorted out our keyboard. The "cool factor" of this build is way over the top. Not to mention the percision of engineering and skill that is bringing this to a reality.
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    work hardening?

    You nailed it on the head Ken. I had stopped just long enough to grab the next handle on the down feed. That's all it took. I'll have to remember to lift slightly pulling the bit off the cut before switching handles. Alan
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    work hardening?

    Ken, I learn something every day. Thanks to you I learned that air cooling is too fast for some metals. My Hibachi grill made a decent little furnace. I will remember that. I have only run into this problem once before trying to turn a bushing out of a piece of 440 stainless. IIRC, it needed...
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    Self-Propelling Gear

    Hiya Ken, While I am waitng for the Hibachi to warm up I tripped over this post. All I can say is... I GOTTA HAVE ONE OF THOSE!!! Saddly, I recieve this error message when trying to download file. "The Compressed Folder Is Invalid or Corrupted" (like my brain) Alan
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    work hardening?

    Thx Ken, I am sure you are right about having the piece cool slower than in free air. I'll try that tonight and see what happens in the morning. Time to fire up the hibachi. Alan
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    I hate my Z! (Axis... X2) Ideas?

    Wow. This thread is a year and a half olde. There is a lot of mods for fixing the slop in the Z axis of the X2. a) counter weight or gas springs. (already discussed here) b) shim the rack. (also discussed here) c) replace the u-jointed rod with a solid rod that comes from the fine feed dial...
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    work hardening?

    Everything has gone well until Murphy's Law showed his ugly head. I was drilling some unknown steel out of the scrap box and all of a sudden the bit just wouldn't cut anymore. Upon inspection, the 5/16" HSS looked like a brad point. Another bit promptly dulled. So, I annealed the piece with a...
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    Elmer Verburg Fancy II

    Thx for all the kind comments. Ok. I couldn't leave well enough alone. I put the flywheel on a crash diet and decided to polish the facets. Uugh, ferrous metals! I also didn't like the slop in the crank bushing and replaced it. Aerating the flywheel lost about 0.60oz. and runs much better at low...
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    ChrisB builds the EJS Wobbler

    Sweet build Chris. I need to figure out how to shine mine up like that. Alan
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    Elmer Verburg Fancy II

    I made this to give to my father in-law for Christmas. He's tough to shop for. She runs, but I think the flywheel needs to go on a diet. I ruined the first one by breaking a tap in it and had to scramble to find whatever I had lying around to make it. (what is it with me and #6 taps!) A little...
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    Flywheel Design?

    Hiya Marv, I can understand that most designers use the "TLAR" method because you are probably one of the few that knows the science behind it all. I hope you are not losing any sleep on account of me. One quick question. What is meant by this figure (^) in your equations? Alan
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    Elmer's Fancy II

    Thanks Arnold, I had triple checked my work and it all comes to spec. The cross section you show clears it up. The plans I have are in .tiff format and are poor at best. I now see connecting rod needs to be flush with the top of the piston. Regards, Alan
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    Elmer's Fancy II

    Since I can not delete my own post... I'll take "Bueprint Reading" for $200 Alex. OK. Despite the drawing, the top of the piston needs to be threaded through and installed a conventional manner and it is still too long. Either the rod needs to be shortened, bore out the bottom of the piston...
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    Elmer's Fancy II

    I am in the process of building Elmer's Fancy II. Looking at the plans it appears that the piston skirt is facing the head. If this is intentional, is there some method to this madness? Alan
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    Flywheel Design?

    Now the question arises of what to do about the 24.01% loss in the above quote. If the radius needs to remain constant, the weight could be added as width to the flywheel. But I don't think it is that simple. How do I put this in words? A wheel is a simple machine that consists of an untold...
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    Flywheel Design?

    mklotz, Even at 50 I still need the teacher to whack me in the back of the head to get me to use my brain. I re-read the text several times and I think I get it now. If I have a flywheel with a radius of x and I remove the center at 0.50x I retain 93.75% of it's original enertial moment. For a...