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  1. M

    Apprentice toolbox

    For anyone wanting to order the HFT the coupon code is "81075524". Alan
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    I feel your frustration. In some of Elmer's drawings the measurements are taken from both the edge and the center line. Alan
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    Work holding fixtures

    Tubal Cain has a book?!? hehehe I had to do that. This slipped past me till now. Another useful tool from the Tin Falcon. Alan
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    Brian's Donkey Engine

    Bead blasting would should mask the tool marks and leave it looking like it was cast.
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    system overheating

    Solver, You're pretty much correct. I upgraded the memory due to IE8 freezing after eating up my 512GB of ram. After that came the overheating. The folks at Crucial gratiously replaced the memory including return shipping. (A+ E-tailer) Still no happiness. About the epiphany I mentioned...
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    system overheating

    That's some hot rod you have there John. I built my very first computer. It is a FIC 503a board with a AMD 350MHz processor. I pushed the core voltage and the FSB to bring it up to about 630 MHz with liquid cooling. By today's standards it's like running on steam. I still have it and will fire...
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    system overheating

    Hiya Folks, I have an Acer Extensa 4620Z that has serviced me well since new. When forced to upgrade to IE8 I found it needed more ram. 2GB from Crucial did the trick to feed the memory hungry IE8. A few weeks go by and I am now experiencing random shutdowns due to overheating while surfing...
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    Paolo, Congratulations. When someone retires from the tunneling industry with all their appendages it is truly a time for celebration. Alan
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    Slow Motion

    Awesome John, This brings to mind something my father once said. (I'll probably get it wrong) Any cutting action is actually a burning action. I has something to do with heat created by friction which actually melts the material being cut. I don't claim to know the science behind it but...
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    eBay scammer - another one?

    Ha! Seller stakes he has sold well over 500 copies of these plans. At $7.00 each it still is probably not worth the effort. Time for a blanket party. Alan
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    Treadle Finger Engine

    Good going Teach.
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    Brian's Donkey Engine

    Looking good Brian. I have to remember that the face plate isn't just for wood.
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    Modern Steam Engine

    Far be it from me to critisize anyone from applying a variation to a theme but the technologies are anything but new. In fact, I actually admire people like this. Fifty years ago the Big 4 and the oil conglomerates would have either bought this idea and moth balled it or killed this man for...
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    April Project of the Month

    Congratulations Jason. Your Benson is a beautiful machine and a good runner. Alan
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    Open Column Twin IC Engine - Finally, completely finished!

    You have raised the bar once again. I especially like that the engine has some work to do. I hate it when a capable engine is collecting unemployment compensation. Alan
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    mini mill gas strut

    Thanks Simon, The credit really goes to RysiuM at the GrizHFMininill group. If I had to change anything I would put #40 struts instead of the #55 ones. I would have to buy them. Alan
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    Neat oil can!

    I like it!!!
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    Brian's Donkey Engine

    Brian, You are methodical and meticulous with all that you do. From your career as a designer, hot rod building, to hobby machining. I would be very surprised to find you are at fault here. I went back and had a second look at your fitting. Besides 1 or 2 being a tad off center they look...
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    mini mill gas strut

    Tech100, There is quite a bit of lifting force. The #55 struts were salvaged from an old truck tool box and were my favorite price. Is a positive lift better than a floating balanced head? I don't have the answer to that. At this point "head drop" is no longer a worry. Your milage may vary. Alan
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    mini mill gas strut

    Eric, With the Z-rack extended above the column the head has a full 12" of travel. The gas springs I used have a seven inch travel allowing me to be preload them. You can see the 3/8" eye bolt and threaded coupler I used for loading the springs. My original thoughts were to use to dual rate...