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  1. Z

    Reducing Mini-Mill Column Flex (and Column Y-Axis Alignment)

    There is flex is ANY mill. Going with the solid column only reduced it, not eliminated it. I had to tram my column in both X and Y. Also, don't forget you need to tram the mill's head first. There is also some play in the gibs as they're configured from the factory. On my mill I marked all the...
  2. Z

    Reducing Mini-Mill Column Flex (and Column Y-Axis Alignment)

    Let me see if I can answer your questions. 1. Yes, that's the kit. It's an amazing deal for the price. 2. You don't NEED the new Y leadscrew, but if you don't have it then you can't run the table all the way to the column. 2a. If you buy the large table upgrade (it's a nice mod but not...
  3. Z

    Reducing Mini-Mill Column Flex (and Column Y-Axis Alignment)

    If you can at all afford it, buy the solid column upgrade from Little Machine Shop. It works better than any column stiffening setup, and it's much, much harder to knock out a tram.
  4. Z

    Using shims to tram a X2 mill

    My mini mill has the LMS solid column and base, where the column is attached to the base via bolts at the four corners. I use shims between the column and base at the four mounting bolts in order to align the column. I'm currently using feeler gauges as shims. They are 0.5" wide and I always...
  5. Z

    X2 Mini Mill Power Feed

    I pulled the motor apart yesterday and there was very little lube on the bushing. I cleaned it up and lubed it with a good teflon fortified synthetic grease. Since then it runs much cooler. So now I just need to remember to grease it every once in a while.
  6. Z

    Amount of play in mill table

    I understand, but what is a reasonable amount of play to shoot for?
  7. Z

    Amount of play in mill table

    I have a X2 mill. Currently I'm setting up a dial indicator about 4" from the center of the table, then grab the two ends of the table and try to "twist" it table horizontally and measure the amount of movement as indicated by the dial indicator. By alternately locking the X and Y gibs it...
  8. Z

    X2 Mini Mill Power Feed

    I have indeed and think you did a great job. It's a lot nicer than I could have ever managed.
  9. Z

    X2 Mini Mill Power Feed

    You can buy it brand new for $23USD:
  10. Z

    X2 Mini Mill Power Feed

    Why could I help the motor run cooler then? Maybe throw a heatsink on the bottom? Why would the motor not like being rung backwards? From what you've written I don't really see why that would be the case. Also, this is an actuator for a car's power seat, and in that application the motor...
  11. Z

    X2 Mini Mill Power Feed

    More specifically, the end of motor gets hot, right where the shaft bearing is. I may pull it apart and see if there's enough lub there.
  12. Z

    X2 Mini Mill Power Feed

    Aaaaaaaaaaand done. :) I simplified the wiring even more and ended up with this: It works very well and I'm quite pleased. All the wiring was packaged up into a Radio Shack project box and fixed to the left side of the mill. The extra switch in the top right corner of the box controls my...
  13. Z

    Reducing Mini-Mill Column Flex (and Column Y-Axis Alignment)

    Between shimming the solid column and modifying the gibs I was able to get rid of the droop. The turnbuckles are there to adjust it that fine 0.001-0.002" that I can't get rid of with shims. If you have a mini lathe (or any lathe with a reverse) there's no to be afraid of doing LH threads.
  14. Z

    X2 Mini Mill Power Feed

    My other idea is to wire in a switch between the speed controller and the speed adjustment knob to set it to maximum speed. The would simplify things even more.
  15. Z

    Reducing Mini-Mill Column Flex (and Column Y-Axis Alignment)

    I pondered all the various methods to increase the stiffness of the column and the column/table interface. Then I went out and bought the LMS solid column upgrade: With the necessary feed screw as well, it cost me $200...
  16. Z

    X2 Mini Mill Power Feed

    I hope you don't mind me dredging this thread back up, but I'm about to start building my own power feed based on the same motor and general design you used. However, for the control box I was thinking of using the below diagram to simply things, and I wanted to get your opinion on whether it...
  17. Z

    CNC or Dro

    I think this thread would be of interest to you:
  18. Z

    Any ideas what to do with these?

    I upgraded my mini mill to the LMS solid column and base, so now I have the old column and base just sitting around. I don't want to just throw them away or sell them for scrap, so any ideas what I could do with them?
  19. Z

    mini lathe cross slide gibs

    Little Machine Shop sells brass gibs for the mini lathe cross slide and compound: