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    Hello from Malta

    I was always intrested in engennering and model engines, I spent most of my time serching for new ideas and machiening techniques... I m still young ( I m just 17 :) ) and I realy enjoy reading and sharing your knowleg. In fact the previous summer my parents bought me a Weiss combination lathe (...
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    IC engine plans?? with no casting

    Hi, Any one know from where I coluld buy or obtain any IC engine plans but without any casting. I am trying to find some for my second engine.... like a 2 cylinder in line or a 3 cylinder radial engine or what ever. Please help :bow: Deri
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    Boll Aero 18 fuel

    Thnaks for replying... I will search more since I am willing to make the Boll Aero .... But if not, we attempt another engine :-\ Drei
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    Boll Aero 18 fuel

    Hi, I am going to attemp the Boll Aero 18 engine, but I have a problem regarding the fue!!! It' s not about the mixture but from where I can buy some. I'm from Malta and I' ve serched in some model model shops but with no sucsess :( Do you know ( if there is) some web sites who sell the fuel...
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    Nemett Engines

    Hi, Yes youre wright, I have built his Lynx engine model as my first IC engine and I can say that its fantastic. A great looking and original engine and the plans were good explained followd by followd by a 80 page booklet explaning the machining step by step. I will also be glad to buy his...
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    help needed with TIM-6 ignition system

    Hi ariz, I bought the Tim-6 system for my Lynx engine and at first I had the same problem.. the led was flashing but no spark, until I handed over the circut to a more adequate person :-\ and dicoverd that I had overturned the Transistor.. I dont know maybe it helps.. And about the battrey, I...
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    Boll Aero 18

    Hi Omidm, I have read youre questions about the Boll Aero 18.. I m am going to attempt the engin too but I have almost the same questions as yours but latley I ve done some reserch, with positive results :) I found an 'answer' about the fuel used..You can read more from this link which I have...