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    Bending brass angle into a circle.

    Oh. I guess it's all relative....
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    Bending brass angle into a circle.

    Great work. So when did Chatham become remote? I thought "remote" was places like Big Trout Lake and Sachigo....
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    Moriya Major First run

    I'm jealous; I never did get mine to work.
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    Cheapy, cheep, cheep

    My dentist gives me old dental picks and burrs. I have far more than I will ever need, and they are used frequently on small stuff. Even the smallest burr will fit into a Unimat chuck, and a while ago I made a great rotary valve for Rudy's beam engine with one.
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    Is This Real?

    Found Rudy's plans; they should arrive after Christmas.
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    Is This Real?

    Thank you very much. I'll look into that.
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    Is This Real?

    Now I just need to find plans.
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    Is This Real?

    It looks nice and turns smoothly, but is this a part-built radial engine or just a display showing how the pistons in one of these are driven? If it's real, are there plans somewhere for completing it?
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    Rudy Kouhoupt Copperhead Steam Roller

    I've been waiting quite a while already, so a bit more won't hurt. 👍
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    Rudy Kouhoupt Copperhead Steam Roller

    That would be great! I believe that a completed model is at the museum, but whether the plans are there is the big question.
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    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    I like the threaded stop rod on your band saw vise. Clever! Gotta make me one of those.
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    Rudy Kouhoupt Copperhead Steam Roller

    Thanks, people. I like all that roller stuff, and it's definitely similar to the Rudy roller, so it'll be very useful to me. At this point, I have cut some frame members, and have collected a few useful pieces, but I have not yet begun actual construction, as life keeps getting in the way. If...
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    Building a twin cylinder inline i.c. engine.

    Thanks for telling me how long it takes to do something. If someone as skilled as you spends that much time on a thing like your gas tank, I don't feel too bad about how long it takes me, a self-taught, unskilled worker, to accomplish something. I often feel frustrated because I think something...
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    A few years ago I took my newly-completed O-gauge Dickins (a James Senft design) to a local multi-gauge track, where a disagreement developed between my loco and another locomotive. As far as I am concerned, Dickins won.
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    Stuart 10H build

    Don't think this will help much, but I did mine with my Burke #4 horizontal mill.
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    Hello !

    "Eddie, kiss me goodnight."
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    Optimal number of boiler tubes.

    "The boiler will be coal-fired if I can find some." Perhaps you could contact the Toronto Society of Model Engineers or the Richmond Hill Live Steamers. They should have coal to burn, as it were. If that fails, you can PM me. I have a fair amount of Welsh steam coal in the size you'll need...
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    Size standards for homemade engines !!?

    Couldn't agree more. And not just parts. I once lost a 000-120 tap ( don't even think of asking what I was up to); it broke (again, don't even think of asking how). Though I found the shank, the threaded part, which I had hoped to perhaps salvage in some undefined way, had vanished into an...
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    1916 65 HP Case Traction Engine 1/16 Scale

    Beautiful model! I'm jealous, because it's far better than mine.