Finally after several attempts
I got a print of the hohles
And the slot in the front
So the hohles seem to be in the frontpart
Towards the chest. Triangular hohle
Hi jason
Its probably also my conversion to inch
I used just 25.4 and divided
Like 10.85 : 25.4= 0.42716535
Me 0.43
I double check that 18 19 mm hohle again and try to get the hohle pattern
Regards chris
Hi jason aswell to you thank you very much
You guys are awsome
I put the mic on the crank ends if u guys want
I try to get a paperprint prom that 18.5 hohle
I have to go to bed now
The small hohles on the0.728 hohle
You mean?
I think its imperial
Metric weird neasurments tooo
The big cylinder would be
68.6 mm diameter
Regards chris