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  1. L

    Powder Keg will be MIA for a few days

    Wes, we are wishing for the best for your wife. Drs have this thing down pretty pat now days. But YOU need to watch out for your self now also. We have a tendency to not take care of ourselves when a loved one is sick. Be sure you watch out for you too! Hoping for the best for you both Mel
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    Making flywheels from plate material

    John I have sent you a email with the photos, hope it works. Tony, send me a email with your address and I'll send you a copy also. I tried to send it via PM but it wouldn't take. Mel
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    Making flywheels from plate material

    Like I said earlier in this post I save all (well some of the better ones) posts that I think I might be able to use later. I do have this one on flywheels saved in Microsoft Word and would be happy to send it to you (With Bogs Approval) of coarse ??? It's about a 2500KB file. Mel
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    Simple Question Re: Tapping Drill size

    I made my 1" hexagonal die holder from a 1" deep socket. works great Mel
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    Running a model engine on LP gas

    Lyn, Thanks for the information, that's kinda what I was looking for when I ask for the information. Knowing that I would have to buy a valve and diaphragm , I thought I might as well buy the whole thing. I didn't know it would be unholy to do something like that. Mel
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    Running a model engine on LP gas

    I sorry I ask ??? Mel
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    Running a model engine on LP gas

    Thanks for all the help guys. Does any one sell such a demand regulator that would do the job? Seems it would be a lot safer and not have to take any chances with a store bought one. Mel
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    CNC Mill and Lathes from Washington State Surplus

    For you that do it the CNC way :o I see that the Washington State Surplus Ebay site has three little CNC lathes and CNC milling machine listed. Mel
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    Shops Open!!!

    ;D here is the link ;D Mel
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    Newbie's first engine.

    Great little engine Ian! Wow your first and it's running success! I think your well on the road to many hours of enjoyable engine building. I hope to build one of the flame licker engines someday but have held off until I get a little more experience. And here you go and do it on your first one...
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    Running a model engine on LP gas

    Yesterday I attended the 08 Great Oregon Steam-up in Brooks, Oregon. What a great show! I had no idea it would be that big of a show. My question is about one of the model engines that was on display, it appears to be operating on LP gas. I did not get the chance to talk to the owner. Does...
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    John Deere Engine

    Very Very nice Chuck, that is one very nice little engine. Can't wait to see and here it run. Thanks for sharing it with us. Who do you buy your Pinion wire from? Mel
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    dang, Rick, NO Feds here, I thought that it said I worked a Nuclear Reactor ???Mel
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    I worked here for 30 years: Now "WORK" is just another four letter word ;D Mel
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    progress report on the Odds and Ends Hit and Miss

    Ralph, that is only a small selection of the tape measures that I have, I can't find the other half ??? Chuck, I really hate to attempt to start engine up. If it starts up,,,the fun is over and it will go on the shelf and it will all be over. If it does not start, I've failed :o It will run I...
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    Making Eccentric Clamps

    shred, that is a cool tool! Is there a set pattern for your fixture plate or just drilled as needed? Another need to build. I should have started this hobby much earlier in life :big: Mel
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    progress report on the Odds and Ends Hit and Miss

    Between remodeling the bathroom and some other honey-do's I did make a little progress on my engine this week. I guess I'm about out of excuses for not making an attempt to fire it up. Maybe after a trip to the Oregon Steam UP this coming week end in Brooks OR I will give it a try. Fuel tank...
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    Shops Open!!!

    Tim, great looking shop.. I envy all the space and fancy new equipment you have. As for the too long shaft, I just read a post on HMEM about a guy with a new shop full of great tools that could fix that TOO LONG SHAFT! Enjoy that shop Mel
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    My round version of Cedge's Diamond cutter

    Dickeybird, thanks for the positive comment. But it's not my idea, it's just my way of not spending $125 on someone else's tool. I don't think it's against any thing to reproduce something for your own use is it? The tool works great and the cost was minimal. The pleasure of sharing was even...
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    My Diamond Tool Holder

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you :bow: now there is no excuse for me or any one else to not build one. It's what I thought, but just had to know for sure. About the same as my round one, only square. It will be good to have both. Thanks one more time :big: Mel