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  1. L

    Using thread wires

    Thanks for sharing. And now there is another tool to buy. Mel
  2. L

    Chip guard on X3 milling machine

    No problem Andy, we are all here to learn something. ksouers, you can buy the accordion shield for the X2 from Little Machine shop for about $8. I like the idea of the hanging plastic or rubber shield, I think I have some sheet rubber stashed away upstairs somewhere's I'll look for tomorrow...
  3. L

    Chip guard on X3 milling machine

    Now that I have my Shooting Star DRO mounted and running on my little Grizzly X3 mill, I can see that some sort of chip guard is needed on the back side of the table. The little Griz X2 mill I had was equipped with a rubber accordion type shield. It was hung high up on the column and reached to...
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    Permanent Vacation!

    Good for you Steve, enjoy! the first thing your going to question is " How did I ever have time to go to work?" You will find out that there is not time enough in the day to get all the things that you want to do. Mel
  5. L

    Elmer's Mill Engine

    Nice job on the engine and a great job on the video! Thanks for sharing it with us. I think your in line for engine of the month. Mel
  6. L

    Mechanical Breadboards

    Play around on this web site, there are all kinds of mechanical actions and mechanisms to play with. you have to dig deep into it, Mel
  7. L

    First engine

    mcr, that is a very nice engine. Your have every reason to be a proud builder. So how long is the launch? I'm guessing 5 feet. Very nice work and thanks for showing the video. Mel
  8. L

    DRO Question

    Thanks guys for all the input. I ordered the 3 axis unit Shooting Star from Little Machine Shop. I liked the 5 year warranty and the fact that parts would be available if needed. I could have ordered direct from the factory in Canada but LMS was the same price and shipping was almost half as...
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    DRO Question

    I ask this same question on HSM and will ask it again here. I've pretty much made up my mind to purchase a DRO system for my Grizzly (G0463) X3 milling machine. I can't afford most of the ones on the market. I find it hard to put $1200 DRO on a $900 mill. I emailed Grizzly and ask which one of...
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    Wooden Steam Engine

    GREAT Job. I'll bet you never will forget the things you learned making that neat little engine run. Now that the monster has been turned loose you will have to improve on that first engine and develop a better one. Great Job.. I never have built the one I got the plans for but some day I will...
  11. L

    I'm glad this forum isn't arrogant or snobbish

    As long as you get approval from jmshep or Maryak first >:( Mel
  12. L

    SX3 DRO Kit

    Geoff. that $189 is for the readout unit only. The scales are extra. Almost another $180 Mel
  13. L

    My new shop

    Nice shop. BUT you need more stuff! There is way too much empty floor and wall space. What does that big old 4 jaw buy the drill press go to? I really can't tell how big it is, but looks like a full load for the lathe in the background. Your going to enjoy that shop. Mel
  14. L

    Small Chuck's Single Hit & Miss

    After watching the video of Arv's sweet little engine run I was wondering if the materials used to make the head and cylinders would make a differant sound? Aluminum, brass, steel or cast iron should all have some sound dampining effect. Mel
  15. L


    The way my machine is set up I have to use 61° mark instead of 29°mark, I think it's in how the compound degree is placed??? Just a thought, I know that I read this somewhere when I was first trying to thread and it worked. I also us a hand crank to turn the lathe while threading. I looked back...
  16. L

    Thoughts on my X3 mill

    Phil, I remember that post, I think it was an answer to the same remark I made here. But I made a spring loaded locking pin for the X2 mill I had and really liked it. Never had to reach for a wrench and never forgot to remove it. I think one could be made for the X3 also. I was just trying to...
  17. L

    Thoughts on my X3 mill

    Now that I’m getting to know my Grizzly X3 milling machine a little better, I’m finding out that you can take some pretty heavy cuts if you have every thing snubbed down. I’m also learning a lot about speed and feed, which really makes a big difference in how the machine acts. After reading...
  18. L

    Am I wasting my money on this vice?

    Tony, just for grins and giggles here is a link to Mr Ishimura's web site where he has the plans and instruction to build a vice like the one you posted. I made one using the little X2 mill I had at the time and it works great. Your never going...
  19. L

    Holt tractor By newbie

    Some time back in the mid 90"s while we were at car show in Jerome, Idaho a guy unloaded one of those tractors from a big lowboy truck and drove it into the park where the show was. I will have to go back through my videos and see if I can find the pictures I took of it.. Big old, noisy thing...
  20. L

    Tools you shouldn't have bought

    Ain't no such thing ;D Mel