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  1. L

    My First Beam Engine

    Very nice looking engine. Thanks for sharing. Mel
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    Bling for the 6 x 4 bandsaw, part 1

    Wow! Bob that's a great job on the motor part. Now I want to hear the story of how in heck did you manage to tip over your saw ??? Mel
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    My Next Project

    Very interesting engine, I looked up some info on good old Google, and found this site that shows the build and parts and pieces and where you can get the plans. I might just have to give it a try also. Thanks Mel
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    Got a free tread mill

    black85vette, what are you planning to power with the motor? mEL
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    Got a free tread mill

    shred is right it is a left hand thread. You will need to get a hold of the other end of the shaft with a vice grip to remove the left hand threaded flywheel. The reason I removed the flywheel is that there was now room for it and I figured the weight of the step pulley that was next in line in...
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    Got a free tread mill

    That motor looks a lot like the one I just finished putting on my grizzly 9X20 Lathe. I took that big old flywheel off and made a toothed gear for the motor. I also bought a $3 10k potentiometer from Radio Shack to control the speed. Works great, I can run it down to 60 rpm and up to a 1000 with...
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    Some imitational flattery

    Both you guys deserve a big hand for your measuring tools! I guess I missed George Britnell's gage post. Something else to build. I think building tools is one of my greatest pleasures (there are others, but not here) Thanks to you both Mel
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    Harden and Temper

    Jeff, are you going to run your engine on gasoline or LPG? the one I made last year would never really run correctly on gasoline and so now I am attempting to convert it to LPG. When I made my cutter for the gears I use drill bit and it worked great. Since then I have been playing with making...
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    polishing that new part

    That is a great tip! I discovered just how well those pads cut when I tried to use one to get the tree sap off the windshield of my 41 Chevy Street rod----It needed a new windshield any ways. :o Mel
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    Adding graduations to tailstock spindle

    Brian, I'm glad you liked and tried my idea of using the machinist rule from my post on HMS. looks like you done a great job adapting it to your lathe. Mel
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    Great idea failed.

    I have drilled a lot of small holes with my mill. Well down to a #40, You have to remember it's not a big old honkern BP or some other 3 ton monster. IT is just a little X3 Mill/drill and the fine feed is very sensitive to the touch. Mel
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    Great idea failed.

    The need for speed seems to be the answer for drilling small hole and of course the ability to hold the drill bit and keep it in line with the hole. I just read a article on building a clamp or attachment to hold a dremel tool or router onto the quil of a milling machine and use the mills fine...
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    philip duclos plans

    After reading this post I decided to order the "Two Shop Masters" Frank McLean and Philip Duclos, I already had the "Shop Wisdom of Philip Duclos. What great books and well worth the cost, about $50 each with shipping. Ray the Topsy-turvy engine is in the Two Shop Masters book and it looks...
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    Spark plug build tutorial

    George, that was great! Thanks for sharing your skills and knowledge with us. Mel
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    Added a generator to my Chuck's Single

    I see that I had left out the step for cutting the excess material from the end caps using the lathe. Just chucked up the male die with the end cap pressed on with short length of rod and held in place with the tail stock ram. Then using a small parting off tool, removed the excess. Mel
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    Acrylic Pug

    Is your mill a CNC or are you doing this manually? what ever, it looks great, I will be following the build. Thanks for sharing Mel
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    Added a generator to my Chuck's Single

    It is threads. I used a piece of old brass gate valve stem and left the threads on because they looked different. I still have about a foot of the stem material left, now I need to find a project for it. Mel
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    Added a generator to my Chuck's Single

    I thought a few still photos of the generator and the dies I made to build it would help. Rob ask about the size of bulb, it's a CM-370. I think it was from a car dash/instrument panel. The case is made from some brass drain pipe, the ends are from copper flashing. I made the female die from...
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    Added a generator to my Chuck's Single

    I'm sorry for the Poor quality of the video, but it's from my cell phone and it is all I have. Vernon, It was not my idea, someone here on this forum showed one a year ago or so. I will post some photos of the making of the end caps for the generator. I made a die to press the ends of the...
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    Added a generator to my Chuck's Single

    I have been playing with my little Chuck's Single today, and added a working generator to it. Had a bugger of a time fitting a small light bulb to the lamppost, but found one in my box of stuff. The generator is a little motor salvaged from a HP printer and the covering is from a brass drain...