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  1. Propforward

    New Workshop

    Incidentally - the air conditioning unit under the bench in the last pic got installed in June this year, in place of the board on the wall above it. I barely need to run it to keep the shop nice and cool, even on days where it got over 100 degrees, but it is nice to take that extra humidity out...
  2. Propforward

    New Workshop

    Hello folks! I have been a member of HMEM for several years (since 2008 , and I have enjoyed looking at everyones engine builds over the last 5 years, but I certainly have not been an active forum member. When I joined, I was living in a rented farmhouse, and had a shed that doubled as a...
  3. Propforward

    My dream realized - or at least a start

    I think that's a very good point Bill. It's easy to get carried away when you start getting into a machine, and I could easily end up spending 500 dollars or more refurbing this machine, which could be better put to use against a milling machine. I think I am going to ahead and complete the...
  4. Propforward

    My dream realized - or at least a start

    Well, little update, I have spoken to other machine tool rebuilders, and the best so far reckoned he could grind the ways and refit the headstock for a thousand dollars. Too much for me - he was really helpful actually, and was pretty much offering to do it at cost - was talking about all kinds...
  5. Propforward

    2009 Grizzly catalog

    That is a nice machine, I would love to have one of those. Bit out of my reach - now the older price - I could make that work. When the time comes I may have to go for one of their smaller models - although in reality one of those would probably do fine.
  6. Propforward

    What does everyone do? (or did, if retired)

    Oh yeah, I used to work in a fish and chip shop when I was a teenager, but think every male in the UK worked in a fish and chip shop - it was kind of a rite of passage. ;D I know how to fry fish and make proper twice fried chips anyway!
  7. Propforward

    2009 Grizzly catalog

    Just got mine too! Am I the only one who rushes to shove it out of sight when someone walks in the room, only to remember I was looking at a machine tool catalogue? ;D :-[ It does look like there is more stuff in the catalog than on the website. Great folks to deal with, too.
  8. Propforward

    What does everyone do? (or did, if retired)

    It is my sincere hope that I never actually grow up. Well, I am a pointy haired boss, that is to say my title is Director of Operations at the place where I work. I started work after college in 1992, as a development engineer in England, working on vacuum systems mostly (still do). I had a...
  9. Propforward

    A new shop being born!

    That's looking great! Very nicely done indeed. I can see you know how to actually use a square - about all I can say is I know I have a square somewhere! ;D
  10. Propforward

    My dream realized - or at least a start

    Dayum! First shop I contacted wanted $3500 to sort the bed out. I'm imagining it would have been a nice job, but I'm not sinking those kinds of funds into it! I'll keep calling around I guess!
  11. Propforward

    recent developments

    I agree, the mods here are doing very well - I do the job of a global moderator elsewhere as I have said, and boy it is not as easy as you might think. It certainly opened my eyes when i started doing it. Great site, keep posting and asking questions - it's all good!
  12. Propforward

    My dream realized - or at least a start

    Thanks Guys! I have a computer in the shop, which drives the cnc router, but no TV. Mainly because I'm not much of a TV fan, I like to have a few tunes going while I'm putzing, but I am too easily distracted. I tell you this - as soon as I come up against a tricky problem that requires some...
  13. Propforward

    My dream realized - or at least a start

    OK, so I filled in the online form on the website of the only one of the six that actually has a website, and someone already contacted me to tell me they would be happy to talk over the various options, and they will be contacting me on monday. That's pretty cool really. I'm quite excited about...
  14. Propforward

    My dream realized - or at least a start

    Coffee cans are just too handy for putting things in! But - I get most of mine from work. I bought a pack of Mr Coffee coffee filters when I first moved over here 10 years ago - and I'm only just getting to the end of them! Shocking eh? Not that I have anything against coffee, but 28 years of...
  15. Propforward

    Vo-Tech school shop

    That's cool dorsey - good idea, might as well make use of the machinery if it's available that way!
  16. Propforward

    The new year

    Well, 1) I want to get my lathe assembled and running 2) Complete the rebuild of my best buddies motorcycle 3) Refuse to take on any other projects so that..... 4) Start a model engine project (design picked out, raw material all purchased and ready)! 5) Hopefully make somethins worthy of...
  17. Propforward

    how do you start a project

    Well, there's a lot of good advice here, and I'm glad I read the thread (I'm a poet and I don't know it). It has certainly given me some good pointers - I am still setting up my shop, but I have been looking at a number of good barstock plans for my first engine. For me it's helpful to get a...
  18. Propforward

    recent developments

    I don't want to inflame anything or upset anyone, but I really feel that this is one of the best and most polite forums I have ever seen. I moderate a very large motorcycle forum, and believe me there are folks on there that get plain nasty over nothing at all. I had one very memorable PM from a...
  19. Propforward

    My dream realized - or at least a start

    Hello again folks! It's been a good couple of days workshop wise. I added 4 ft of bench for my sheet metal machine and my CNC router to sit on, and I have progressed the atlas a little further. I have here 3 images that are taken in sequence looking around the room: Lathe First section of...
  20. Propforward

    Building it!

    Holy Moly Kvom - you're not fooling around are you? That's a mighty fine machine! So much for model engineering - just make the full size thing! :bow: