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  1. josodl1953

    Open thread on Edwards 5 Radial

    The original Edwards had offset lifters too. I suppose Robert Sigler put them both on center to make timing easier. Jos
  2. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    After drilling the inside of the piston I proceeded wit the the wrist pin holes. Now I don't drill them on the drill press because I don't trust the perpendicularity. I have been drilling wrist pin holes with a fixture on the lathe ever since I started making pistons. I leave the pistons a...
  3. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    It was a marine diesel piston, not a submarine diesel...I only used this material because I had it still laying around. Only if you are looking for material for a ringless piston in an chromium plated brass cilinder it is worth the effort. If you are using piston rings you might as well use any...
  4. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    I must remember you guys that this thread was about building an Edwards radial 5. However interesting your discussions are, maybe you should start a new thread in the department"General engine discussions". Well,on wit the fabrication of pistons. Some 30 years ago I was using Picco P90 engines...
  5. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    It is interesting to see how discussions develop on a subject. Even more surprising is the fact that I came across the C/R and timing issue myself in the past days. With most of the parts complete, I made a test fitting with master and link rods and found a lower C/R with the link rod...
  6. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    I found this pictures of Forrest's own engine on his Polikarpov biplane. Ik looks very much like he was using spark plugs, on the side view you can see a cylindrical part on the rear of the engine, this might be the distributor but it would require a major design change because normally the...
  7. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    Hi Diego, I used an Excel sheet for the metric conversion, one sheet for each part... comes in very handy! Jos
  8. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    With the valve train complete, I went on with the cylinder liners and barrels. I cut the cooling fins with the barrel fitted on a mandrel, using a parting tool. Turning the liners was pretty straightforward, so no pictures. I used a light shrink fit of about 0,02 mm so after fitting them in...
  9. josodl1953

    Brass piston and cylinder problem

    Best thing seems to fit steel liners in the cylinders. Surfaces of equal hardness/ materials running against each other isn 't a good idea, no matter how well they are lubricated. Jos
  10. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    Fabricating the rocker arms was a bit more complicated. Harvesting material from a slice of what appeared a sample of a thick-walled aluminium tube involved milling, drilling and good old elbow steam sawing. Only the sawblade didn't make it to the end ... tough stuff, that.. Drilling of the...
  11. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    Proceeding with the rocker brackets, I had to make a drill jig for the bolthole because there is very little room for error. The hole dia is 2,5 mm, the thickness is 5 mm so there is only 1,25 mm material left on both sides of the hole. The jig consists of 5 parts, two spacers, one block...
  12. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    I made a plastic model as you can see in a previous post, this is also helpful.
  13. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    Thank you for your comments. Peter, I used interference fits ( 0,01-0,02 mm) . Using Loctite would be an easier option but I was worried about the heat transfer between the valve seats and the cylinder head if there would be a thin layer of Loctite between them. This would probably not a...
  14. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    Yes, that is VERY true. I spent a lot of time fabricating jigs, fixtures, gages etc. Peter, I considered possible dimensional issues. Before fabricating an assembly, I always make prototypes from scrap material to check interaction of various parts. In case of the valve train, I found out...
  15. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    Looks nice Peter. Do ypu have a thread of this build?
  16. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    Meet Butch, he is my purrrrring prroject superrvisorrr. He keeps me company while I am busy in my workshop..... I have been considering the design of the valve retainer and decided that it was beyond my abilities to make such a tiny cone and the spli in two equal halves... Instead, I adopten...
  17. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    Because I wanted as mich space between the ports and the valve seat I calculated that 7 mm would be a good value. To test this I took a pair of wooden cylinder heads I made for the mockup at the start of this project. I made aluminium valve guides, pressed them in ad drilled the ports which...
  18. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    For the pressing operation I made a pair of tools to properly support the cage and cylinderhead. I had once, a long time ago, salvaged an old press from the scrapheap of a metal testing laboratory. It cam on handy for this opeation, with the help of a hydraulic car jack. All went rather...
  19. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    Thanks Jens, I keep it in mind. I wonder what type of bronze you are referring to. Usual bronze contains tin which, because of is low melting point, makes the bronze less resistant to heat. Nice place Bergen, by the wat. Been there once..
  20. josodl1953

    Forrest Edwards radial 5

    I have been thinking a lot about the use of valve cages in this design. The originla dsign without separate valve guides and seatings was no option for me. The valve guides sticking out on top of the cylinderhead were an obstacle for the milling of the cooling fins. On top of that, I used...