Thanks MB for your reply. Do you mean like a 1/32 or 1/64 radius? That is what I have on my triangular TCMT inserts. Maybe I just don't have them exactly on centere. I will check that out. Have a great day. ironman
Thanks Woodguy. That is all I found. I am looking for something to go in my AXA 1/2 inch QCTP. I guess I could make the holder if I find the right insert I need. ironman
I have seen photos of people using a round insert on their lathe for a betrter finish. Can someone direct me to a company that sells the Tool Holder and Round Inserts? Thanks in advance. ironman
Maryak, your 3D looks a lot better than mine. I use TC 12.5 Pro and TC 16.2 Deluxe. All I ever use is the 2D making drawings and plans. Haven't got the modeling in 3D thing in my head yet. Where did you get Ken Doyle's tutorial DVD?
I may need to get it. Keep learning and doing. That is what I...
Brian, somebody probably makes a sleeve 5/8 to 1/2 to use 1/2 inch dia Boring bars. I made mine from 5/8 Drill Rod. Step Drilled it to 1/2 dia. then slit it. Works fine. Also did one to tahe my 3/8 boring bar. ironman
Thanks for the info on Vactra. True, 18 bucks every few years for the right thing for the job isn't such a big expense. Thanks for these replies. ironman (Ray)
Rick, I guess I have been doing good. I have been using 30W and now may go to 20W20. mNever did know what was so special about Way oil anyway. Thanks. ironman (Ray)
Kel, really enjoy this build. I like the distributor cap and rotor. The single cylinder sounds very favorable to me. Will be glad to follow that along. Keep up the very good work. Thm: ironman (Ray)
It is a fair sized Bench Mill/Drill. Go to Harbor Freight and look up 33686 and you will see the specifications and price about 1200 dollars and with the 25percent off, it is about 900 bucks. ironman
MB there are several types on the 9x20 Group on Yahoo Groups.
I made and tried the Plate type for a while then made the "donut" by John Pitkin and really like it with my QCTP. ironman