Mamod Closed Their Doors

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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2021
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Iowa United States
I wonder if behind every steam or gas modeler fist had a toy Mamod steam engine, I know I did, Granda, about 1970? So sad to see they have closed their doors.

Mine (and my Granddaughter's) was a Jensen #76 Oscillating Steam Plant:

20241225 Not Mamod Jensen 76.jpg

[sorry, not able to dig out the one we assembled at present]

Here's a brief factory tour:

I had a Mamod SE1 stationary steam engine as a Christmas gift - in about 1967. It was disappointing because I was desperate for a traction engine. I rectified that disappointment a couple of years ago when I bought and restored a Mamod TE1 traction engine.....of course, in this century it's very difficult to get a suitable heat source for the boiler - the tablets are no longer allowed, the modern gel is low-grade heat and the alcohol burners are very expensive to buy.
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I had a Mamod SE1 stationary steam engine as a Christmas gift - in about 1967. It was disappointing because I was desperate for a traction engine. I rectified that disappointment a couple of years ago when I bought and restored a Mamod TE1 traction engine.....of course, in this century it's very difficult to get a suitable heat source for the boiler - the tablets are no longer allowed, the modern gel is low-grade heat and the alcohol burners are very expensive to buy.
What? Where's Ken? He will write you a book on how to do your burner.
You mean like these?
10mm wide ceramic:
Flare burner - ex. domestic gas boiler burner converted for Butane.

Or one more in the attached Word document. (I sell for £20 - made to order: Or any special sizes!).
A no. 3 jet is suitable for Mamod boilers/engines, but a traction engine may need a larger burner with No. 5 jet..P3212340.JPG And see Mamod SR3 file.
I have also made a couple of meths burners, but can't find any photos...


  • 98 x 25mm burner - ceramic - Mamod twin.doc
    8.1 MB
  • Mamod SR3 ceramic no 1.pdf
    2.7 MB
Incidentally, my Dad didn't let me have a Mamod "too expensive, and it is just a toy!" - so taught me to use his copper boiler and steam engine he made "while on a ship during WW2"...
The vertical boiler was given to me in the 1990s, - to strip (as it was just soldered with Plumber's lead) and re-make, silver soldered. I still have it and use it. It has a 3in circular ceramic burner.20240320_155254.jpg
I have a few of his later (retirement made) engines.P7122328.JPGP5080597.JPG
I need to do some more photography...
Mamod burner looks like a tray for solid paraffin tablets.
Bottom Burner a methylated spirit burner.
I have made similar... filled with wire wool, or fibreglass insulation. Work fine.
Make trial burners with Aluminium pie dish or coke tin foil, of beer can tin plated steel, soft soldered.
BUT run the whole thing in a baking tray in case of fuel leaks, and do it out of doors in case leaked fuel causes a large conflagration. When the design is OK, make a silver-soldered meths burner.
OPERATE WITH CARE! Burning meths burns flesh, etc. if mis-handled.
When I was a kid, I , like many in the UK had a Mamod steam engine.
Along with the Mecanno set it provided power for cranes and all sorts of powered projects , even made a paddle steamer which was very wide to accommodate the engine Lol!
When I couldn't afford meths for the burner I collected matchsticks from the street and had a fire under the boiler.
Dangerous ? well maybe but much more fun than meths! lets face it boys will be boys and experience is learned from mistakes.
Unlike the US ,the general ownership of firearms is illegal in the UK , but as kids most of us had air rifles some of which were very powerful.
I had a Webley MK III and a BSA airsporter both 0.22 and both were supercharged with stronger springs.We also carried sheath knives but we didn't shoot anyone or stab anyone.
Now airguns of that power are banned and someone gets stabbed almost every day ,
Our chemistry lab lost more sodium chlorate than was ever used for school chemistry, it mostly was mixed with sugar and finished up going boom!
but never out of malice.
Makes me wonder what has changed in people over the last 50 years or so, too much anger , more should take up model engineering.
PS. Mamod was up for sale in the late 70's , my boss looked into buying it and asked me if I would be interested in running it for him.
The deal never went through so it's not my fault they are closing down.
OPERATE WITH CARE! Burning meths burns flesh, etc. if mis-handled.
I use meths every day at work in a glass lamp - I know the dangers of and the methods for handling meths.

However, the ideas in this thread have got me motivated to cut out some tinplate and solder a meths burner - the dimensions are not dissimilar to the solid fuel tablet tray I have so I'll probably rob the shaped wire handle off that.
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For meths, the slot in the middle should only be about 1/4in wide. I folded an aluminium foil pie dish to shape and size to make my first experimental one. - Easy to re-fold for larger or smaller width slot.
I filled the container with some rock-wool loft insulation. That stops the meths from boiling too rapidly and causing a HUGE flame! (Don't ask!).
Another word of caution.
Some places - with little or no regulation of steam "toys" - permit things like this:

Which appears to be a little unsafe for the unsuspecting adult or child, in the opinion of the presenter, and the Federation that he consulted. (The same one that I must obey).
Look how big the fire is getting up the sides of the "Boiler"?
What would happen if you knocked it over - say, because you burnt a hand on hot metal or steam and jerked away and clipped the boiler in the process? (Not that I have ever touched hot metal or steam or flames, but I can imagine what could happen!).

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