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I wonder how our friend Brian is doing after his knee replacement?
Most say It's a relative quick recovery. My hip took 8 weeks w/ muscle
olf20 / Bob
I hope it went well. Unfortunately, according to my orthopedic surgeon, 25% of knee replacements have problems. The physical therapy is extremely important for the best recovery.
Hi guys . I was just talking to Brian , I live about 40 minutes away from him and we try and get together a couple of times a year to see what each other is doing a trade " stories " .

He is doing well , the operation went as planned and he is moving around the house with his walker and help from his wife . His computer is down stairs in his office / workshop so he figures it will be about 2 - 3 weeks before he ventures down the stairs .

I told him about the comments and well wishes and he wants to thank everyone for their thoughts and he will be back as soon as he can manage the stairs .

Bill Payne
Thanks for the update, Bill! Glad to hear that all went well and he's on the mend.
Hi Guys---I'M BACK!!! Not doing any work, but today is the first that I've been downstairs to my shop and computer since my surgery on the 23 of May. I am recovering. This is not the worst pain I have had in my life, but it's a close second. The surgery went very well, and they had me up and walking (with pain killers) the next day. I spent two nights in the hospital and on the third day they filled me up with pain killers and my good wife picked me up at the hospital and brought me home. One thing they didn't tell me beforehand, is that when you have a spinal block injection to prepare you for the surgery it totally interferes with your bladder control. For three days I pissed everywhere like a new pup. To think you might have to pee is to be actually doing it!! I'm very happy that by the fourth day I had enough control to make it to the nearest bathroom. I am healing well, and have mobility thanks to a "walker". I am on blood thinner medication for the first two weeks at home, and taking oxycontin for the pain. Wife is making me do exercises three times a day and I start physiotherapy at a nearby "clinic" tomorrow. Thank you all for thinking of me. ----Brian
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Atta boy. I'm sure your "Good Wife" will get you house trained again. LOL
olf20 / Bob

Glad to see you back in the design chair. I will say you look happy that the surgery is over.

My Good Wife is a retired Orthopaedic nurse and she would say your progress is very good.

Best Wishes for continuing recovery.

Glad to see you in your shop! I'm glad the surgery went well!
Welcome back. As I have had both knees replaced (and a hip) I will offer my advice for the best recovery (I'm not a Doctor so you can take it or leave it). Do what your wife says and more. I found through my brother that the more exercise you do the faster you will be up and "running". When I had my surgeries every hour I would walk laps (with the walker of course) around the inside of the house until I would hit my limit. And stay ahead of the pain. If you wait until you're really hurting it takes that much more to get relief. Best of luck on your recovery.
Best whishes for a speedy recovery.

Now get up and change those calendars!!!
Today it's been three weeks since I had my knee surgery. My incision has healed up very cleanly, leaving very little scarring. I am still doing daily exercises as home and the physio people where I go twice a week are very impressed with my "speed of recovery". One thing that was not planned on is the massive strain that being gimped up puts on your back and chest muscles. I have managed to overstress my upper back and upper chest muscles while climbing out of a seated position to a standing position where I can use my walker. The pain from my upper back and chest is far greater than the pain from my knee operation, and this pain makes it very difficult to get 8 hours of unbroken sleep at night. I'm still using my walker to get around, but make do with a cane whenever I can travel short distances. During the next week I hope to use my walker less and my cane more.-----Brian
Today it's been three weeks since I had my knee surgery. My incision has healed up very cleanly, leaving very little scarring. I am still doing daily exercises as home and the physio people where I go twice a week are very impressed with my "speed of recovery". One thing that was not planned on is the massive strain that being gimped up puts on your back and chest muscles. I have managed to overstress my upper back and upper chest muscles while climbing out of a seated position to a standing position where I can use my walker. The pain from my upper back and chest is far greater than the pain from my knee operation, and this pain makes it very difficult to get 8 hours of unbroken sleep at night. I'm still using my walker to get around, but make do with a cane whenever I can travel short distances. During the next week I hope to use my walker less and my cane more.-----Brian
Looks like you are on the right heal up schedule Brian even with the upper body carrying more of the load for a few weeks. ✊
Sorry to hear about the setback with the upper body pains, but soon things will resolve and you'll be feeling better than you have in a long time. Best wishes for a continued speedy recovery!
Sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having.
I try to ride an exercise bike every day, just to remind the body that it has to be able to do physical activities sometimes.
I use to run, but my knees went into rebellion, and I had to give that up.

I know some who swim, but I hate the chorine in the water, and I hate swimming in general.
Swimming does allow exercise without so much loading on the joints/muscles.

Keep at it; you will get there.
Yesterday was my fourth week since my knee surgery. I had to go see the surgeon, and he was very pleased with my progress. Had an x-ray of my knee up on his computer screen, and it looked rather awesome. I am using my cane more and my walker less, and everything is healing up just fine. By the end of next week I hope to be able to use my lawn tractor again (second son has been coming over each week and using my lawn tractor to keep my lawn tidy). I may try driving my pickup again as well--it has an automatic transmission and power brakes. I'm not having any bad pain from my knee, but have sore muscles in my chest and back from getting up from a chair to use my walker. I'm off of the high power narcotic pain pills and making do with Tylenol and Advil. So far--So good. I'm on the edge of being bored, and that is probably a good sign.---Brian

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