I used the first free cad package the Pro E put out Granite. Other companies offered the their packages Creo was the second package from Pro E that use the alternate approach of not building up a building list. All of these companies used free ware to answer the question, what customers...
FreeCAD is free CAD design. FEA analysis etc. And you can import and export the standard file types. No size restrictions. I used Pro E and Unigraphics as an engineer. And have used Solid Works. This can compete with them. Using these programs for 15 years there is no program...
Typically the bore in the casting could have a sharp edge. The sleeve machined or ground will have a radius at this corner. so this is a relief for the sharp corner. There a re typical types of relief that are commonly use. The most difficult is a narrow slot at 45 degrees to both...
The manual speed change by installing gears has as said above a box in line with the screw. Within it is three gears and a lever that move a ring with square teeth that fit into a mate. Moved to the back the teeth connect to the output of the gears. and move towards the front connect to a...
Also used a water brake for testing a 270 hp high speed induction motor driven by an inverter that could output 3 phase about 1000 Hz. The amount of water in the dyno was controlled to very the relationship of speed to torque.
I worked with electrical engineers designing 400 Hz 3 phase induction motors for pumps in aircraft. They had to meet a tight performance curve. They had the simplest dyno for short runs to collect data points. A pulley for a flat belt which was nylon flat strap. (what you see on a exercise...
These are the documents I have obtained for a Atlas 10 inch F size I am including the 12 inch because this is a derivative of the 10 inch I chose the Sears but I also have the Atlas similar document.
I have an atlas lathe F series. I totally modeled the lathe and it is on "grab cad" as a step file. The version of freeCad I used is older but it does come up in the latest version. Just not as friendly and each part is individually modeled and put in complete in that version. Where now it...
Just crunching through the number on the first site. Not believing the power factor that I back calculated. Need a measured current at load. Not the motor must be run above synchronous by about the same speed as difference for the motor.
10 W 110 VAC .7 Amp AC 50Hz
1350 rev/min...
I am a mechanical engineer that know a single phase motor can be turned to a generator so did some searching. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induction_generator
If you want to get deep into the weeds try this...
My first suspect that the Arduino is just too slow because it has to perform a lot of steps between the sparks. It is a general processor and you need a dedicated processor which the ICs you can buy for ignition.
The Greeks craftsmen created accurate patterns of holes with the simple use of a protractor. We have trigonometry calculators. Do you have a flat parking lot like a a church that isn't used for a few days. distance between two marks is twice the radius time the sine of half the angle. (180...
One simple test if you have one plate already. Use the 3D printer to make a duplicate. We do know that holes are smaller because the plastic has some width and spreads out but if it is uniform around a hole then a drill will ream the hole to the correct dimension. This is a common practice...