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  1. SmithDoor


    FYI Instead of building a Sextant I found one that is cheaper than cost of materials need. Yhis not first I had time two engines I had draws ready to order materials also had same problem. Is not same on engines it was on one 2½ times more for the materials the other was almost 3½ times more...
  2. SmithDoor

    Turing very small shafts

    I know there is a limit for a box tools. Most are less than 5" The small ones are under a inch The watch is under a ½". The next for very long is follower rest . The most is machining tapper on rifle and Canon barrels. I have seen photos where they finish one pass on making a cannon barrel...
  3. SmithDoor

    Turing very small shafts

    It is support like follower rest. It is one pass finished There is no second pass Dave
  4. SmithDoor


    Welcome to the group Hope see some photos of your work and shop Dave ❋ ...
  5. SmithDoor

    New member

    Welcome to the group Hope see some photos of your work and shop Dave ❋ ...
  6. SmithDoor

    Turing very small shafts

    Here a part I made tens of thousands in past . It has red dikem to show it for setup not for uses. ¾" hex bar machine to fit 6203 ball bearing 0.6663" ±0.000,15 and thread ⅝" nf total length 5". Turn at 750 rpm feed is 0.025" Total time under 2 minutes including threading each end. Did tried...
  7. SmithDoor

    This has to be a scam?

    The latest one is on Amazon probably on Walmart and others Is returned, selling damaged or manufactured flaw items. If add said that upfront not big deal but trying to pass as new is a scam. I will buy damaged, manufacture flaw or a return if I know that fact. Lie with free return they...
  8. SmithDoor

    This has to be a scam?

    Sometimes as read everthing the shipping is outrageous. Great price but get the lathe or drill press the shipping and handling is more than the cost from Amazon or Walmart with free shipping. Since about 2020 I started see this scam. I have seen on Ebay too. Sometime it seller getting around...
  9. SmithDoor

    Turing very small shafts

    I only used roller box on engines lathe , turret lathes and screw machines. Never had a cork screw Dave
  10. SmithDoor


    I just post on Japanese vs the USA torpedoes. It does not tell hole story but good reading. Here link to site What is interesting is how American used mechanical computers and tube computers vs Japanese and Germany. They did have there computers like the...
  11. SmithDoor


    Fun fact on Japanese Torpedoes I found internet on American vs Japanese 1930s and 1940's. Fun engine to build too. The other not in artical by time of ww2 American had a new Explosive Charge 1.5 time of Japanese so the Mark 15 825 pound compair to Japanese is 1,400 pounds . At the outbreak...
  12. SmithDoor

    Actual Funny Stuff / Lighter side

    I bet first one was when draftsman had very bad headache with a bad cold. Dave
  13. SmithDoor

    Turing very small shafts

    Most use a follower rest but most only goes down to 3/16" [3.5mm] aBIX TOOL WILL GO DOWN TO Wtch A small box goes down to watch size here article on roller box and box tools works in tailstock too Small box tools Here’s a couple box tools I made to use with my little bed and tailstock lathe...
  14. SmithDoor


    Fun Facts St. Elmo's fire (also called witchfire or witch's fire)[1] is a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by a corona discharge from a rod-like object such as a mast, spire, chimney, or animal horn[2] in an atmospheric electric field. It has also been observed on the...
  15. SmithDoor

    Loctite release

    When younger I use lot Loctie . I found if go back to remove a part with Loctie it was a pain. I have use a torch to release the loctie. Today my Loctie bottle last a very long time may last 50 years or more. Dave