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  1. lathe nut

    Hi from Lithuania

    you at the right place, these guys are very talented, I call them "the well spring of Wisdom" hope you enjoy
  2. lathe nut

    New guy in TX

    Welcome Pete, these people are very nice, knowledgeable and can do anything one could imagine, I call them "the well spring of wisdom", hope you enjoy these folks.
  3. lathe nut

    The man with stainless steel knees---off topic a bit

    Glad to hear that all is ok, I have friends that has had them done all but a couple without success, now want I want to hear is when you go out for a jogging and get used to that I want to see the read out on the screen of the speed that you ran at, I have friend that have gotten up in excess...
  4. lathe nut

    Chinese work culture

    I am 74, when I was raised up and in my 20's I was raised on a cattle farm, Rice Dryer and run a steam engine to flood rice land in SW Louisiana, I was the third generation of Slave, let me qualify that word, we had a house furnished, rotten, roof leaked, several years with no electricity, we...
  5. lathe nut

    The Big Slide Thread

    did you ever master the slide rule or did anyone ever master it, I go one last week at an estate sale with a bunch of machinist tools and the Kennedy toolbox, I would like to find instruction on the slide rule to see what it is all about, Joe
  6. lathe nut

    Horological Society Shop

    @clockworkcheval This is the unimat, I bought it at a yard sale of garage sale, not sure what you call them over there but it when dad pass away the kids sell everything, not knowing the value of anything, I bought it for $50.00 dollars, it come with two more boxes of attachments and extra...
  7. lathe nut

    Horological Society Shop

    clockworkcheval Credit and Respect where it is due, thanks for the tips on the books, I will probably not do for anyone only for the ones I have but may turn into more but for now my plate is full, I sell scrap, mechanic most on lawn mower at my shop, tractors and machine work but in the...
  8. lathe nut

    Horological Society Shop

    clockworkcheval I find clock work so fastening, for several years wanted to get into it but the job I had required long hours and to add to that pain it was a 24 hour call, I have retired still have the love to want to learn clock repair, but find it hard and not sure where to look to learn, I...
  9. lathe nut

    Hi my real name is Bob McCoy and go by Banjo I live in spokane valley washington and Im a tool and die maker and machinist.

    Bob, a pleasure to meet you, I am a home shop machinist, have a mower repair shop and do machining also, I have learned from a few fellows like you who were real machinist, not a fellow that calls himself a machinist that presses a button to make a part, I have never met a tool and Die maker...
  10. lathe nut

    Hello from the sunflower state

    Gage, there is a well spring of wisdom in this group, you will learn a lot, your communication with the abbreviations sounds good to you but leaves the reader in a guessing game of what you are talking about, I worked for a Major company for 43 years, in the sales meeting they would use the buzz...
  11. lathe nut

    First run of a 5" Rider-Ericsson

    Love it, reall, really, really, Nice, Joe
  12. lathe nut


    I got one of those red plastic ones from Harbor Freight years ago, and several of the clear covers to put on the lid, when they get foggy rip if off and put another one, put a cover over the bulb so it does not shine in my eyes but on the item being blasted, on the vent I put a lawnmower air...
  13. lathe nut

    There is a fungus among us.

    I live in South West Louisiana, USA, we have gotten 16 inches of rain in about a week and a half, then they pop up large and several, mowing deals with them but soon as it starts to dry and the sun come out they will be gone, back in the 70's when I was on the Fram, we had a lot of cattle and...
  14. lathe nut

    Modified Milwaukee portable bandsaw and stand

    this is one I built for small cutting things, the 10" Carolina does the big work, it is a Harbor Freight Saw, make the bracket to make it take up less space, milled the slot on the table and for the variable speed control that is a Cam shaft out of a Twin Cylindered engine, removed one of the...
  15. lathe nut

    Harbor Frieght 1440 Lathe

    SmithDoor, did check that out no look but do have it on watch notification. k2steve, back when I bought this one that had up to 20" if I remember correctly. djc, that is the exact lathe, I was not able to download it for some reason, but will try it again, that is something I thought of but at...