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  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread Upshur's opposed twin engine.
    Can't you double check with your CAD, should be possible to simulate the 2:1 gears and turn the engine over on the screen. It will show...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread Upshur's opposed twin engine.
    Have you timed the engine, quite likely they clear if they are positioned correctly relative to when the big ends come up. EDIT Adding...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread Book reprints after Lindsay.
    The ways stopping short of the headstock probably allow a larger dia to be machined on afaceplate so there is a plus side to it. If...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread Book reprints after Lindsay.
    I think things have moved on for anyone starting out these days. A large number will have imported far eastern machines that really need...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb reacted to Brian Rupnow's post in the thread Upshur's opposed twin engine with Like Like.
    Today, five weeks after my surgery, I spent half a day working in my shop. It felt wonderful!!! As Jason had pointed out in an earlier...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb reacted to Sarah's post in the thread Stuart Progress with Like Like.
    The cylinder covers have been completed, along with all the shafts as well. When it was assembled it seemed quite tight when the piston...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread Stuart Progress.
    0.090" wide x 0.065" deep should do the job.
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread Stuart Progress.
    If you are just running it for display there is little need for a piston ring if the fit is right, infact if you like an engine to tick...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread 36x60x54 Twin Tandem Mill Engine.
    Pro is needed to automatically add hole call outs and to show then as threaded on a 2D drawing. You have the option of the double lines...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread 36x60x54 Twin Tandem Mill Engine.
    I use Pro as it has a few things that I tend to use like Draft for patterns. Atom should allow you do move an assembly around like that...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb reacted to Sarah's post in the thread Stuart Progress with Like Like.
    Hi Jason, I've ordeted the SCBCR 1010 E06-APT Lathe Turning Tool and the 0602 inserts. I only need to chip another two inserts to...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread 36x60x54 Twin Tandem Mill Engine.
    You mentioned that this engine has a barring (or starting) engine. That would be a good starting point if you can make a model of that...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread 36x60x54 Twin Tandem Mill Engine.
    You can get all the parts in an assembly to move easy enough in alibre.
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread Working out which gear cutter.
    That is where your problem is . He draws all these engines at different sizes and just does a mathmatical conversion but never actually...
  • Jasonb
    Jasonb replied to the thread 36x60x54 Twin Tandem Mill Engine.
    Another useful feature which Alibre has, others may too is the ability to import an image be that a photo, patent drawing or in your...