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  1. Gordon

    absolutely free CAD type programs

    I finally have gotten marginally proficient with Alibre. I had used Visual CADD for years and I still wish that a lot of the features of Visual CADD were available in Alibre. I miss being able to enter coordinates manually and being able to enter a command using a two letter command. I still...
  2. Gordon

    absolutely free CAD type programs

    I also migrated from 2D which I had used for 30 years to 3D and at first nothing made sense. My biggest problem was that when I wanted to place something I had always entered the X & Y dimensions and with 3D basically you place it in the approximate position and then refine the position...
  3. Gordon

    Loctite release

    It sounds like I should just machine out the liner and replace it with another piece of DOM tube and use wicking Loctite this time.
  4. Gordon

    Loctite release

    Thanks. I assume that the Loctite was wiped off when I inserted it. Any suggestions on what Loctite I should be using? I assume something that is wicking.
  5. Gordon

    Loctite release

    I made a cylinder liner and pressed it into the cylinder using Loctite #638. There are holes through the cylinder and through the liner. Before drilling through the liner I tested it and there is free air flow so the liner is not sealed in the cylinder. My question is what temperature must I...
  6. Gordon

    Ex Cell O mill

    I have an Excello 602 mill which I am happy with but I keep having a problem with the hand wheel feed on the spindle. There is a tapered brass clutch with a tension adjustment knob which works fine for a couple of months and then gets to the point that it will not feed without adjusting the...
  7. Gordon

    absolutely free CAD type programs

    My requirements when I started looking for a 3D CAD program was I wanted a program that actually lived on my computer instead of in the cloud and was not a subscription based program. I finally purchased Alibre Atom 3D. It is quite limited but I own it and it lives on my computer and the...
  8. Gordon

    Six Cycle Odd Ball Engine

    I built one in2013 and here are the notes that I have on the drawing: Piston in the bottom dead center position allows the rings to pass beyond the lubricator hole in the top of the cylinder The result is that on the bottom of the firing stroke it allows the compressed gas to exit through...
  9. Gordon

    Vapor carburetor

    I have tried the Jan Ridder vapor carburetor in the past and have never had any success. I just made a jam jar model and have not been too successful. To be fair I have not been successful with the venturi carburetor on this engine either because of flooding therefore the vapor carburetor. If I...
  10. Gordon

    Cylinder liner sealing

    At this point I have determined that it is leaking around the spark plug. There is no good way to remove the liner to reseal it so I am in the process of remaking it as one piece.
  11. Gordon

    Cylinder liner sealing

    No cooling. I have not been able to get this thing to run long enough for it to get hot. :) I think that I am leaking around the spark plug hole but I cannot verify that. I have put compressed air at 20 psi into the spark plug hole but cannot find any leak. Next step may be to remake the...
  12. Gordon

    Cylinder liner sealing

    What should be used to seal a cylinder liner in a cylinder? I have a liner made from DOM tubing in a steel cylinder. It has holes in the side for intake/exhaust/plug. I put it in using JB Weld and it is leaking around the spark plug hole. I am sure that when it is inserted it scrapes off most of...
  13. Gordon

    Atkinson Differential

    Has anyone here built an Atkinson Differential using the design by Brooks Pendergrast? I built one using the Gingery plans a few years ago and was never able to get it to run so I decided to try the Pendergrast design. So far it I am having better luck on this design but I am having a problem...
  14. Gordon

    Hearing Aids

    I don't know about the cheap hearing aids but for the more expensive ones there are different domes available which permit or block outside noise.
  15. Gordon

    Hearing Aids

    Actually insurance is a big part of the problem. Folks don't care what the doctor/dentist/audiologist charges because it is cover by insurance. When the doctor talks to you for five minutes and charges the insurance company $250 you don't care because the insurance company pays for it. When the...