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  1. D

    Rotary motion to reversible linear motion

    I worked on a lot of machines that used bearings like that and the shafts (although stainless because of the environment they were used in only) were not hardened. The shafts were easily machined so not hardened. Just be sure the shaft is dead-nuts the proper diameter and (as mentioned) polish...
  2. D

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    I presume you meant to say "there were NO abnormal clearances...."
  3. D

    Kitchen Sink Engine on Vapor

    It seems you have more than just vapour there. I built a vapour carb quite a while back from the plans by Jan Ridder (I think). As I remember it the air coming into the container through the inlet tube does not come in below the surface of the fuel but rather just above the surface so it puffs...
  4. D

    Rotary motion to reversible linear motion

    Brian: Maybe I missed it somewhere, but where will this contraption be used?? Is it for one of your customers? Well done.
  5. D

    Piston trip igniters

    I believe what you have is a low tension ignition system common for the period. The system is simply an inductor wired in series with a (typically dry cell) battery going to the stationary point in the head. That point would be insulated from the head and inside the cylinder. The battery would...
  6. D

    Segmented Coil?

    Vietti: The segmented coils referenced above are potted so there is no through hole. Also the core inside appears to be ferrite or similar. You could be right about the primary requirement. For a CDI you usually supply a couple of hundred volt pulse to the primary. That said I have a friend that...
  7. D

    Robs Howell V4

    Rob: Go back one post and make the valve seat cutter George recommends. Works a charm.
  8. D

    Segmented Coil?

    Segmented coils are abound on Ali Express. Search for what you see below. At that price for sure it's not worth winding you own. I just bought several to experiment with a CDI design I'm working on. Or if you want more info on winding your own: Find a copy of "Model ignition coils and magnetos...
  9. D

    Cylinder liner sealing

    Are you back at the (damn) Atkinson again :). I put mine aside but I'll get back at it. Good luck. I just had a similar problem on a small hit-miss engine a friend gave me. The cast iron sleeve was already epoxied in place in the aluminum block so I didn't want to attempt pressing it out. What...
  10. D

    1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po

    Terry. You should be suspicious of the ignition system keeping up. I believe you said you were using one of Roy's CDI modules. He states the maximum RPM for the module is 20k for a SINGLE cylinder engine. If you divide that by 8 you get about 2500 rpm. I do get better than that with a CDI on my...
  11. D

    Upshur's opposed twin engine

    Hold your finger over a spark plug hole. Not looking for an absolute value. Just that the valve timing is such that you have compression at all. Oops. Assuming you can get a spark plug out.
  12. D

    Upshur's opposed twin engine

    Do you feel suction if you put your finger over the carb air inlet? With your finger over the inlet will it suck gas? (assuming clear gas line tubing you should see it move) Is the tank fuel level at or very close to the carb level. Is the needle valve open a bit? All stuff you know but....
  13. D

    Upshur's opposed twin engine

    Well. There ya go. And loctite is the answer?? (NOT) The plugs don't really need to be tight. Use an O-ring under them to get you going until you can make some copper washers. Just a bit over finger tight is all you need with an O-ring.
  14. D

    Upshur's opposed twin engine

    Don't you have the usual copper washer/gasket/ring on your spark plugs?
  15. D

    Upshur's opposed twin engine

    I think the flexible filaments would work. But the shape might be an issue. Worth a try though.