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Aug 1, 2016
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I saw that there use to be a fun thread like this, and maybe it would be fun to have it again.

I'll start. I've been on the forum, and looking after my gardenia bush. It smells so good, especially at night in the mellow heat of summer.

And then I like listening to music. Since it is almost the 4th of July, I was listening to this earlier today. This has the Bicentennial presentation of "1812" with the cannons and church bells,etc.

Not much fun here either. I just sold my house of 22 years to move into my shop up in the hills. Spent the morning trying to arrange piles of 'stuff' out of the house into some semblance of order. It is my hope to reclaim some useable space to work on my projects by the end of the weekend.

Being able to see stars at night without any light pollution, drinking well water again, and silence so deep you start to hear phantom sounds is priceless though.
I have been lurking here on and off. My work schedule changed 16 months ago to a long commute and went from a 4 day week to a 5 day. With that time to play in the garage has been kept to a minimum.

Luckily I am 5 weeks from an early retirement so I will have plenty of time to tinker in the garage.
Benchrest shooting season is in full swing, two full-time computer programming contracts, main property plus a renovation project, 22 chickens and a dog, and the wife is working out of town for a year... I've still got 2 hours (between 2am and 4am) available that I haven't filled in yet.

I wade through the forum synopsis message every day, and imagine that I'll clean my shop enough to find my mill some day... delusions of building a 5-8hp engine for a water pump!
Being able to see stars at night without any light pollution, drinking well water again, and silence so deep you start to hear phantom sounds is priceless though.

That sounds like a bit of heaven. Good luck on getting straightened out and settled in.
I'd taken the day off work, with the intention of attending a model aeropIane event for the weekend, but the bad weather has put paid to that! So, I spent the morning unblocking and repairing repairing the guttering after last night's heavy rain.

This afternoon I spent in the conservatory working on my latest model - a 1941 Boomer Bus design. Originally designed as a free flight model, mine will feature some basic radio control, and an electric motor in the nose. Yes, I know it's woodwork, but don't hate me, OK?

Long term, I'm still amassing funds to go and buy a lathe, so there's lots of videos to watch in the meantime.......;)



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I spent the day enjoying my second hobby; it's called KiteBoarding. This sport involves attaching a large fabric kite to the climbing harness you're wearing and allowing the wind to pull you across the water while you stand on a piece of plywood about the size of an ironing board. It's good fun and a great way to get in some some much needed exercise here in the hot, humid tropics of Thailand.

I picked 11 lbs of cucumbers and 3 tomatoes from our garden. I canned 5 quarts of Bread & Butter pickles and we had sliced tomatoes with dinner.
just transplanted tomatoes into the garden a few days ago. cucks just starting!!!
So many things to do and just not enough time!!!
I'd taken the day off work, with the intention of attending a model aeropIane event for the weekend, but the bad weather has put paid to that! So, I spent the morning unblocking and repairing repairing the guttering after last night's heavy rain.

This afternoon I spent in the conservatory working on my latest model - a 1941 Boomer Bus design. Originally designed as a free flight model, mine will feature some basic radio control, and an electric motor in the nose. Yes, I know it's woodwork, but don't hate me, OK?

Long term, I'm still amassing funds to go and buy a lathe, so there's lots of videos to watch in the meantime.......;)

If you do your metal working like your woodworking - - - why - - - you'll fit right in toute suite!!!

(I'd bet you're not the only 'crossover' artist. - - - LOL)
Smoking weed, twiddling my thumbs and watching the sun go up and down. I like to conserve my energy in the summertime. Soon I will go back to work building model engines.

Mark T
We're in the long process of moving from a farm with lots of buildings and many acres into town to an old house on a city lot, with everything we need on the ground floor to accommodate my knees and back. So I am gradually disassembling tools and moving what I can manage by myself. One lathe (9" Southbend) is on a pallet in a shed, well wrapped and greased, the other (12" Craftsman/Atlas) is my current project as far as taking it apart to move. When I get a bit farther along, I have a few friends who said they'll help move stuff and I will find out if they meant it.
Lots of lettuce and other greens from the garden, strawberries are almost done, and raspberries will ripen soon, followed by cherries. It's been a learning experience gardening in town instead of having a half acre to plant.
Getting ready to play the 1812 overture and show tunes for the 4th. I’m also spending some quality time with mill gib adjustment and back lash. I was told that the speedometer in the Tollycraft has priority over the mill.


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A bit of a wierd day so far. A friend phoned to say she probably had covid and wondered if she could have passed it on to me when I cleaned out her blocked guttering the day before. I was supposed to mow her grass today, but after the rain we had last night I didn't think that would happen, so I decided to re-arrange my utility room to accomodate my new resin printer and wash & cure machine. After I had done this I started to feel ill. Thinking it might be covid, I phoned my friend to say I would mow the grass after all. If it was covid I would be grounded for at least 5 days. Grass mown I came home and crashed out on the settee for a couple of hours. Woke up feeling a lot better! Could it be "sympathy" covid syptoms, or could I have just pushed myself sorting out the utility room? I did lift a very heavy tumble drier down off a worktop to its new home under the worktop. Had an awfull dinner which made me feel bad again. I think this is what getting old is all about.
yeah, agree, "weird day" - came out in the morning, someone had broken the door lock on my old Suburban with a hammer, then pried and hammered at the ignition for a while before giving up, called police, they came by and took report, fixed door tumbler, collected the pieces of plastic to reglue, verified ignition switch and lock are OK, then worked on some legal documents (I hate that stuff), and then disassembled and cleaned this (the green one), tomorrow to decide on a final color and repaint -- raise your hands, do I have the only one of these? (raise both hands and cheer if you have one too, one hand, no cheer if you know what it is) - tiny hint , you can read the company name and location on the first image, and yes, it is useful for model making. For tomorrow, work on daughter's 944, paint and reassemble thing in picture


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Today I have been fitting door tracks to my new Workshop / Garage. The builder can't do it, it's too hard. Sadly I engaged a company that is incompetent and crooked. With the natural disasters in Australia lately . Builders have an abundance of work so they can pick and choose what they would like to do. Once I mentioned a garage they all said it wasn't worth their effort. Eventually I found a "builder" that said yes. He belongs to a global company Smith & Sons . His prices were a little higher than the normal but when you're desperate you accept the extra cost to have a new workshop built in 5 weeks. Excitement ensued. Now it has been 10 Months and the garage is still uninhabitable. I have approached all the government authorities regarding poor and incompetent work and the builder has responded to them with lies which each department accepted. The contract made up by the Master Builders Association protects this crooked builder so I'm stuck with him. He is constantly trying to cut material costs and labor hire to save his profit margin. ( fixed price contract ) So far it has cost him more each time he tries to save a buck. He's an idiot. I'm only putting this whinge on here to let everyone know to AVOID Smith & Sons at all costs. If you think I'm being a bit dramatic. There's an actual site on Facebook called ... "Victims of Smith & Sons." The pic is of some of his handiwork which I have replaced. I had actually cut the concrete earlier for him to run the pipe.


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Getting ready to play the 1812 overture and show tunes for the 4th. I’m also spending some quality time with mill gib adjustment and back lash.
Tchaikovsky (spell check and I both struggle with that one!) Music about the Tsars troups and the little French General's mob having a war? On the 4th July?
Good music, but is there an historical connection?
I hope you get some time for Bra hms and Lisdt? (More spell check nightmares!).
Another good day in the garden. I moved a water butt to its new home, and filled it from the other water butt which I will move at a later date. Walked up to the local shop, quarter of a mile there, quarter of a mile back. Nice. Dugout some enormous weeds from my soon to be veg patch. Then I sat in the garden for a while watching a visiting cat drinking from the pond I dug out two weeks ago and filled using water butt one above. It is downhill in my garden so I just used a hosepipe and let gravity do the job. Then to cap my working day, I watched a sparrow taking a bath in my new pond. Monday I will mow the lawn. A pity really, as I sat watching the sparrow I heard and saw dozens of bees flitting from flower to flower in the lawn. I will make sure they have gone home for tea before using my mower, a battery one that will easily mow a 50 foot by 50 foot lawn with charge to spare. Amazing thing.
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