found a book at a yard sale, "The Dangerous book for Boys" and is it a hoot, lots of good information for any young man to read! I passed it along to grandson... I did not get a positive reaction though!
I can also find my two grandsons have a similar reaction.
It's a question of genetics. Both my late wife's family and mine have wills of their own. My wife could do Latin and Greek at 8 and had a string of arts and music degrees--- so she did dentistry.
Another was the famous Alice Pleasance Liddell famed for 'Alice in Wonderland' whilst another designed the Central Station in Newcastle-- and Dear Old Queen Vic came to see it. While she was doing it, Alice was knocking the **** out her son and heir. So Alice never became Queen except in the book!
The other side= mine, were equally zany. One branch of the family was expelled- several times but managed to become one of richest in the land. I mean dear Rowan- Mr Bean and Blackadder.
My father set fire to a couple of horses and missed being killed in WW1. Cousin Doug blew up the chemi lab at the local grammar school, went into the Army, became a partisan, went to Yalta with Churchill and when I joined the RAF was-- a Group Captain in Education.
My son was , according to his tutors- hopeless. So he did a degree in French and Geography and ended up in London speaking exclusively French. so much so that one of his colleagues asked him to bring some Christmas wine back- assuming he lived in the Touraine but he quipped 'Would you settle for Newcastle Brown Ale instead. Today, he part of huge German bank, transport firm and whatever. I taught him to drive at 14- not much else and he has a a fleet of cars- and seems to be able to put them together.
My daughter played bass clarinet in a prestigious all boys school- and instead of a career in music, did dentistry. Her son before the age of 14 has been interviewed for university and is in the top 4 in maths in the whole grammar school- but plays drums rather well.
Me, I simply deny all connections. I fart, smell a little or a lot, came out of the gutter and am happiest being drunk although I do have to scrub up, sit on finance committees- and am expected to 'do things for charity'.
I am to found whilst moderately sober to run 3 houses or is it 4 in all sorts of countries but try to make things -in me shed.
Monday- I have to put on a morning suit and devour or try to devour about 20 courses at a Chinese banquet. Oh, I have to do 'the prayers' but what the ****'?
I'm not going to influence -or be influenced by ancient books- or anybody.
Oh, yes and Thank you.