First post and and it's a query. Have been trying to buy some smallish Barrel Laps and Blind hole laps from the USA, delivery from a UK supplier, who I think was really German, quoted 2 weeks and the equivalent of $60 for one lap, no way, tried emails to two manufacturers and two tool suppliers on the US east coast (they're closer to me here in the UK ?) and whats been the response........ zilch/nix/nothing and I also emailed a seller on that well known auction site if he would ship international, he's replied with a shipping cost of $62, they travelling first class or what? And before anyone suggests it I'm not wanting to make any as I go off on to many tangents anyhow. Now when I used to keep my US Fords/Mercury running over here I could get parts in two/four days as the suppliers would ship small and large orders within a day and at an affordable price. What's happened, are the guys in the US stopping supplying to the potential customers abroad or what ?????? Any road up, as they say over here, can someone prove me wrong and perhaps give me a lead to a company/supplier that will ship to the UK at a reasonable cost, any replies gratefully received