Westcott 8" 4 jaw chuck repair

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2014
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I have a 8" 4 jaw independent Westcott chuck that I am trying to clean up and rebuild. Had it in a pail under the desk and it got wet some how. I have the adapter plate off and the jaws out but I can not get the screws out. I took the the 4 screws out on the back off the chuck but can not get anything to move.

Those four 'studs' have forks on the end that hold the screws. I think I see
that they are tapped. If so, soak it in penetrent and use a puller on 'em.

I think the forked pegs, seen from the back, are the larger circles, inboard of the tapped holes, which look to me as thought they are tapped into the body for retaining screws. The pegs have to be pushed or knocked out from the front, which does not look as thought it will be easy in this case.
I tried some EvapoRust on some bolts I wanted to cleanup. It did an amazing job. I dont know whats in it, but I soaked the parts for about an hour and they came out looking like new. I bought my can at Harbor Freight but I have also seen it at one of the auto parts stores.
I can get Evapo-rust at my neighborhood O'Reilly Auto Parts. (Not affiliated with them, just shop there.) It does seem to do what their ads say.

The pin has a half hole and two fins you can measure approx from the front and make a punch the same,then punch out from the front after soaking with penetrating oil.Not too hard when you know the full geometry of the retaining pin.The pin is usually hardened.Test it,if your lucky you may be able to drill and tap at the back then use a puller.Those pins lock in even under normal circumstances but in your case may be even more difficult.I have also used a pin punch from the front if you can hit the top of the fins which should be visible each side of the reduced section of screw.It did work for me but ruined a punch in the process
I tried some EvapoRust on some bolts I wanted to cleanup. It did an amazing job. I dont know whats in it, but I soaked the parts for about an hour and they came out looking like new. I bought my can at Harbor Freight but I have also seen it at one of the auto parts stores.

Evaporust claims to be a chelator/detergent system. Others are phosphoric acid based. Electrolytic rust removal (washing soda and a battery charger) is dirt cheap, messy unless you use an inert electrode, and phenomenally effective for big parts (like chucks...)

To get rusty stuff loose, a 50/50 mixture of Dexron II and methy ethyl ketone will beat any commercial penetrant. Was, maybe still is, sold as Ed's Red. The "official" formula uses acetone or paint thinner. MEK is completely miscible and makes a single phase. Store in glass.
Well the guides do not want to move and the chuck works fine. I believe I will just wire brush every thing as good as I can, grease all moving parts and just use it.

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