I am selling for an older gent with medical issues. Here is what he wrote about this tool.
Schaublin 102 Grinding Attachment for Tool Maker and Watchmakers Lathes.
Here we have a beautiful genuine swiss tool grinding attachment for the 102 lathes.This grinder can easily be adapted to most any lathe ( Habegger , Emco - Maier , Mirkron , Jet , Wahli , etc.) with a swing of 7,8 9, or even 10 inches. As you can see in the photos the quill is capable of being moved in any direction including an adjustment in degrees which gives a unlimited range of grinding possibilities. The grinding quill is top quality swiss made. The carbide-faced spindle has a maximum speed of 12,000 r.p.m. To drive the tool-post-mounted grinding attacment (included) a drive (photo) can be mounted on any lathe by the use of a cast-iron trumpet bracket that can be bolted on any flat surface. It is using a 150 r.p.m. 0.2 kw motor with a special switch carried an a bracket that clamps to the vertcalbar of the belt tensioning attachment. The unit is driven by a 6 mm polycord belt.I put on Ebay, heres the link.
Schaublin 102 Grinding Attachment for Tool Maker and Watchmakers Lathes.
Here we have a beautiful genuine swiss tool grinding attachment for the 102 lathes.This grinder can easily be adapted to most any lathe ( Habegger , Emco - Maier , Mirkron , Jet , Wahli , etc.) with a swing of 7,8 9, or even 10 inches. As you can see in the photos the quill is capable of being moved in any direction including an adjustment in degrees which gives a unlimited range of grinding possibilities. The grinding quill is top quality swiss made. The carbide-faced spindle has a maximum speed of 12,000 r.p.m. To drive the tool-post-mounted grinding attacment (included) a drive (photo) can be mounted on any lathe by the use of a cast-iron trumpet bracket that can be bolted on any flat surface. It is using a 150 r.p.m. 0.2 kw motor with a special switch carried an a bracket that clamps to the vertcalbar of the belt tensioning attachment. The unit is driven by a 6 mm polycord belt.I put on Ebay, heres the link.