It works but that image is enormous - 1600 x 1200 pixels and almost a megabyte in size. In deference to our members on dialup, consider reducing the size of your pics before uploading them. 800 x 600 is plenty large enough to capture all but the most subtle detail.
Yes I will do. My photo bucket account is nearly full so I'm looking for something else to use. This one is called tinypic. Not as good as photobucket, slow to upload, (max 5 images at a time as well). Think I'll look elsewhere.
Thanks for the "heads up" Rich, when you've been using it for a while could I ask if you would be so good as to give us another update, it would be useful for many other members I'm sure.
I have just uploaded some images and then posted them in my small steam engine topic over in a work in progress. It seems to be working ok. From what I can see the free version (the one I am using here) has a limit of 2 minutes on video.