TB1 - bases

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
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Hi guys, I've done the bases but I'm really sorry to say that I forgot to take my camera, I did them on my friends mill that has a DRO (mine doesn't!) my friend didn't have a camera and my phone takes really crap pics, but anyway it's just a straightforward drilling operation, I already had them cut more or less to length, so I trimmed them 4 at a time with a fly cutter then drilled the holes one by one using the DRO (I did have to convert to metric first!) and a stop on the mill vise (which has a small step in the top of the jaws, perfect!, so I didn't even need to use parallels!) then ,still using the stop on the vise, I set the cutter to cut the bead around the edge with just enough of the base sticking out of the side of the vise to clear the cutter and cut first all the long sides, then reset and did all the ends.

I still need to countersink underneath but I'm not sure how deep to go, can anyone tell me how big the screw heads are?, I'll have a look later in MH, it must be in there somewhere.

I will be doing the wooden sub-bases, I hope next week, as Wes is trying to organise some little brass plaques to be set into them.
