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Those taps and dies are from "The Tap and Die Co" in England. "TapsandDies"-TAPS DIES DIENUTS,tap sets tap die sets,tap holders die holders,lefthand HSS Taps+Dies CSTaps&Dies BSW tapdie BSF tapsdies BA tap die, BSCycle taps_dies, Model Engineer taps&dies UNC taps+dies UNF tap_die,Brass tap&die BSP tapanddie BSPT ta You can check there to see what the current value might be.I am looking for homes for these items from my father's shop, in most cases I do not know the value, and will be looking for offers. Buyer pays shipping given I do not know where it maybe going. Thanks!
I'm a newcomer to this site and to model engineering and am interested in some of the things you are offering, including this tap and die set and perhaps a set of castings. And it looks like I am just down the road from you, in Menomonie, WII am looking for homes for these items from my father's shop, in most cases I do not know the value, and will be looking for offers. Buyer pays shipping given I do not know where it maybe going. Thanks!
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