these are from an estate. From left to right, All sold
I'll post a couple of larger bars next. These will also be on ebay but at higher prices.
- Circle Machine FT-250-2-1/4 This is a 1/4" square bar 2.3 inches long, Right hand cutting, uses TPCB, TPCG, TPCH, TPGT or TPMT cutters $11
- probably also Circle Machine, but a custom order, 019-00572-SPEG. 1/4" square bar, angled rear for a specific quick change machine of some kind (maybe a swiss type machine), carbide triangle cuts straight forward, $8
- Circle Machine QT-375-3, RH cutting, uses TBCB-22, TPCG, TPCH, TPGT or TPMT , 3" long complete - $15
- same as above, Circle Machine QT-375-3, missing clamp screw (it wants QC-21 screw, EDP number 60001, it's a 4-40 hardened button head torx screw - an equivalent screw of your choice will work $6
- shown in a later photo, Circle Machine QT-375-6 same except for length (6 inches) to the one above that is missing the clamp screw $9
I'll post a couple of larger bars next. These will also be on ebay but at higher prices.

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