Single cylinder tractor model

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Active Member
Sep 18, 2008
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This is a gasoline version tractor model I made.Jin

Are you building this tractor from a kit, or is this all your work? Some of those parts look like they are from castings, that's why I'm wondering about the kit, but they all look good. Keep up the good work.

Very interesting - and I appreciate the time, skill and patience needed to do it all. A good job!
Just a though on the HT cable... I wonder if on a small engine you can use a smaller plug gap than on your car, and thus lower voltage - which will allow a smaller OD of HT cable? I suspect the outside of the spark plug can only resist flashing over a much reduced voltage compared to the "car" standard plug bodies. But the design always must be that the "weakest link" of resistance to arcing/sparking shall be the spark plug contacts inside the engine. So the outside of the spark plug shall have a higher flash-over resistance, and the HT cables similarly. I suspect you are using proprietary coils/ignition trigger/spark plug, but I am sure I have seen models with much smaller gear for the size of model?
Scaling down Ignition components is difficult but one fact that need to be recognized is that a Capacitor Discharge Ignition can be made much smaller than a Kettering type ignition.

The reason is that the volumetric storage of energy is much greater for a capacitor than it is for and inductor.
The rest of the electronic can be miniaturized for both system. The CDI allow also a choice of dimensions being the Cap the determining factor.
Nice work.

Can you give us some details on this project? People are interested.