MEK is Methyl Ethyl Ketone. It's a very common solvent, the explosive air mix ratio is well past the point where you would leave the area due to the irritation caused by breathing. If you've ever used the water thin liquid plastic model solvent / plastic weld you've used MEK. Many serious scratch builders of styrene models buy MEK by the gallon. It's about like acetone in terms of health issues, I wouldn't breath the fumes for 8 hours a day every day, or bathe in it, but small occasional exposure to minor fumes or a small bit on the skin is not a big deal.
It, like some other common chemicals including acetone and sulfuric acid, is on a precursor list for drug manufacturing. No big deal in the quantities a small shop person is going to buy at a big box store, but if you need 55 gallons of it you'll need to fill out some forms. Odds are MEK is somewhere in some explosives manufacturing process stream, but then lots of things are (like charcoal, ammonia, all sorts of things you use all the time). It also can be used to smooth old convertible plastic rear windows that have gotten all scratched up and nasty, a friend used it on his MG back in the 70's.