I just learned that my friend Dale Detrich has passed from complications from parkinsons.
Dale was a fixture at NAMES and Zanesville every year until he couldn't physically do it anymore. Uncle Dale passed on December 21, 2021 and his wife Aunt Jan passed January 6, 2022.
When Dale got bad I went down and bought all his spark plug making stuff and parts and got his blessing to take over the Detrich spark plug empire.
I'm a little mad and very sad that I didn't get a call and couldn't go down to pay last respects.
The very first attempt to make anything engine related i was looking for mini sparkplugs. I came across dales website and dale said. . . " I can send you one or you can come to the show in Toledo next weekend and get one and see the show" So of course I said "What show". I went to the NAMES show for the first time and met Dale and Jan. The very first "Model engine" people I ever met. He then talked me through making piston rings, getting my first IC engine the Peewee running. He was the single phone call that gave my life a 90 degree left turn into the modeling world. I'm going to miss them both!!!!!
Dale was a fixture at NAMES and Zanesville every year until he couldn't physically do it anymore. Uncle Dale passed on December 21, 2021 and his wife Aunt Jan passed January 6, 2022.
When Dale got bad I went down and bought all his spark plug making stuff and parts and got his blessing to take over the Detrich spark plug empire.
I'm a little mad and very sad that I didn't get a call and couldn't go down to pay last respects.
The very first attempt to make anything engine related i was looking for mini sparkplugs. I came across dales website and dale said. . . " I can send you one or you can come to the show in Toledo next weekend and get one and see the show" So of course I said "What show". I went to the NAMES show for the first time and met Dale and Jan. The very first "Model engine" people I ever met. He then talked me through making piston rings, getting my first IC engine the Peewee running. He was the single phone call that gave my life a 90 degree left turn into the modeling world. I'm going to miss them both!!!!!