I decided to post this here so it would be a continuation of the Plumbing Parts engine instead of the thread I started on the model carburetor. I had a full day to myself, so I set out in the shop to build a scaled down version of the carburetor from George Britnell's drawings. Then I took a look at what I had already built and decided, this isn't so different than George's design, maybe I can just make some changes to what I already had.
So, first I had to plug up the bottom of the throttle body hole. I turned a small piece and drilled it with a #29 drill to be tapped later. Here's the carb body and the piece to patch the hole:
Well, that was easy, messy, but easy. Next I needed to turn off the bottom part of the throttle barrel since it would no longer extend all the way through the body.
So far, so good!
Next I needed to tap the new insert so I could thread in the needle valve seat. That's a 5-40 tap to accommodate a 1/8" threaded needle seat.
And here the needle seat is threaded into the bottom of the carb body.
And here it is mounted on the engine.
And here is the video. Runs much better, even though the adjustments are kind of finicky. I'm wondering if the engine would be less finicky if I made a slightly larger version of the carb. This one has a venturi bore of 1/8"