Okay---I have to admit--I've been cheating. Up until now, whenever I wanted to "pick up" the center of a hole in a piece placed on the bed of my mill, I have turned a plug the right size on the lathe, mounted it in the chuck on my mill quill, and jockeyed the mill table around until the plug would fit into the hole smoothly when I lowered the quill. Stone-age, but it worked. today I thought I would get a bit more "machinist" and do it with my "test indicator". Man, it was really hard!!! I have a cheap, one direction only import indicator. Half the time I couldn't decide if the little lever was even touching the inside of the hole, and when I turned the quill around 180 degrees I had to stretch my old neck like a contortionist to even see it, as my mill sets up against the wall. There has to be a better way!! What is it? I'm willing to spend a bit of money if I have to, but this test indicator method is for the birds!!!