In this part of the World some things are relatively/really expensive e.g. machine tools. A slowly progressing novice, I am having better results with HSS and coolant, after having tried 1 carbide tip tool, I was given, but finding it good for boring, so I was happy to find some HSS cheaper than what I would have to pay for 1 cutoff toolbit I wanted.
1 piece 8x8x100mm (what I normally use)
2 round 8x100mm
2 tapered 3mm cutoff blades 21mmx130mm
and the cherry etc
10 little bits of square 4x40mm
all new old stock. I know I want to use the round stock for screwcutting, any suggestions for the other HSS? I have been looking at pics of toolholders for HSS but the shaper is cutting very badly.
Sorry, I guess, for not posting but weve been busy with moving my Moms stuff, which gave me only a chance of finding my stuff in the big city Also the computers been crashed also Ive made a couple of things on the lathe and shaper when it was still ok.