Hi everyone, Bluelammy here .
I would just like to introduce myself as a new member of this website.
I found this site yesterday while browsing the web and just had to join up.I have over 25 years engineering expierience done mainly in orthotics,which for those of you who dont know,is a branch of medical engineering, splints calipers etc.
I have made a few simple model engines in the past and have always been interested in steam engines.my first engine was given to me by my mother who used to work at meccano liverpool.
I have recently been given a small unimat lathe and cant wait to get started.Any tips on easy model to start off on using this lathe will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I would just like to introduce myself as a new member of this website.
I found this site yesterday while browsing the web and just had to join up.I have over 25 years engineering expierience done mainly in orthotics,which for those of you who dont know,is a branch of medical engineering, splints calipers etc.
I have made a few simple model engines in the past and have always been interested in steam engines.my first engine was given to me by my mother who used to work at meccano liverpool.
I have recently been given a small unimat lathe and cant wait to get started.Any tips on easy model to start off on using this lathe will be greatly appreciated. Thanks