New Zealand Earthquakes

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Aug 25, 2007
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Any of our New Zealand friends affected by today's earthquakes? Hope all are safe and sound.

Shocking news..(no pun intended...)

like wise.. ???

I hope no-one has been a casulty of Mother Nature at this festive time.. ;)
Our local news says most power is out in the area so probably no internet until they sort things out.

Thanks to you guys for the thoughts for our trans Tasman colleagues. :bow:

Best Regards
from christchurch or whats left
we are on the east side of town where the hard ones seem to hit lucky tho on friday no liquifaction to clean up doors wouldent open then after the second one they did
no power for some time but the generator still has pride of place in the shed
people seem to gravitate to our place when the power is down i had a bank of cell phones charging
they dont seem to need hot water these days most crack the top off a cold one
they seem to be part of our daily life now (the shakes)
we get the shops open quicker and the services are not down at this stage for days
to see large trees bowing down and then straightning again is a sight to be amazed at
we were driving when the big one hit the van went to full opposite lock to try and keep straight which is all very good then the road goes back the other way again
makes the butt stick to the seat real good
they are comming from just out in pegasus bay out from new brighton beach
we could be making a new island or as some say its one of our indigenous folks that has been buried too deep and hes just trying to get his hand out just like his rellies
thanks for all your kind thoughts
with over 9thousand quakes since sept 2010 they are getting wearisome
I hope that the recent one wasn't as bad as the last ones!

Best wishes to all!


yep! those poor guys are long overdue for a break! Hope the new year will be a lucky one for them!
just an update had 13 quakes from midnight 3.9 ranging to 5.5 :( 1ts now only 7am poor old house is twisting like a pretzel stick
wife and kids nerves streched tight i will have to shut my mouth and watch what i say for the next few hours
sheds ok ;D
Good morning to the Emgineer, I have just joined the group and also live in Christchurch! It would be great to catch up with you. My phone is 3385 -021. So give me a call when you have a mo'

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