Hi,guys.Thank you all for your kind thoughts.There have been 90+ people killed,and some 200 are still missing.The rescue crews are working day and night to free those still trapped.
This quake felt very much worse than the one last September,primarily because it was at such a shallow depth.,around 5 km deep.
My family are thankfully all ok.We have power,but no water or sanitation.
Water tankers are stationed at several schools,but for some reason,the area I live in got overlooked.
From a personal point of view,I have a backyard full of grey silt,which I have to barrow out to the road.It will then eventually be picked up.We lost some dinnerware etc.,but that can all be replaced.
My workshop is mostly ok,only my bandsaw fell over and broke the switch.
The aftershocks are frequent,and some quite big,but nothing like the main quake.It still makes me jump though.
My heart goes out to the families who have lost their loved ones.I'll try and update sometime tomorrow,if I still have a connection.
Regards all.Hans.