Hurricane Sandy

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2007
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For all of our members in the North East USA, Be Prepared!

This thing is looking dangerous.

Take care of your families and BE SAFE!

Wishing all our North American friends are safe and well in what looks like a truely massive storm from an Aussie.
I'll echo Ricks comments, be safe & prepared.
I live in NW PA, & it's been windy & raining since Friday. I can't imagine what it's like along the coast.
Stay safe folks.
My work closed at 11:30 here in Connecticut. The governor is closing the highways as of 1:00pm. As of 11:00am the highways were closed to trucks. Most business's are closed or closing. I haven't seen the weather taken this seriously sense the blizzard of 1978. Keep safe everyone.
Its Been raining for 2 days now the most to hit late tonight. Im 30 miles west of Philadelphia and we are going to get hit hard. I just hope to not get called into work and leave my family.

so far so good out of work early today the current storm track puts the the eye of the storm tracking about 6 blocks south of my house. aren't computer predictions great.
Down here in Florida, it's kinda second nature to get ready for storms, simple things like secure all yard items that can become missile hazards, get gas for the genny, etc.

"[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]When it comes to deadly weather, tornadoes and hurricanes get all the publicity, but lightning is actually the worst threat, killing more people on average every year than tornadoes and hurricanes combined."...

Downed power lines are also the bigger threat than wind and wave, many people step on, drive on, attempt to move them and are zapped into eternity.
So far in Delaware rainy and windy but no major problems. Driving is prohibited, so no work today. I am getting in a lot of shop time, installing a 3 axis D.R.O. on my mill-drill. I hope the power stays on! Stay safe, everyone.
flashlights checked new batteries installed if needed. rechargeable lights on charger. shop lights on heater in shop on, radio on. Looks like the cd and tape player are belly up always something oh well it is a 15 year old init . consumer electronics do not last forever.
We are getting full news coverage here in Oz and this storm looks extremely nasty. Wishing all members and their families best wishes and keep safe.
I think we faired pretty well here have not been out side yet need to go to work. AN hour delay. they're lots of power outages. they are not even giving estimates of repair until the crews get out and inspect things. fractional inch of water in the basement. I know trees are down on roads. My block is barricaded off a small downed tree and a downed service line . One nitwit has already knocked down the barrier and another ran it over. I put it back up for whatever it is worth.
I am glad, my family, my house and my cars are OK, I didn't lost the power (that is a huge surprise).
Said that I am thinking in the people that has been not as like as me.
I Didn't loose the power here in Connecticut but around 500,000 are without power here. Phone, Internet and tv were out for 10 hours. Much better than last year when we had no power for 4 days. A tree fell on a house down the street but doesn't look like it did much damage. Last night it sounded like the roof was coming off the house but I can see no damage. 20 years of living here and never heard the wind make the house creak like that before.
I think we faired pretty well here have not been out side yet need to go to work. AN hour delay. they're lots of power outages. they are not even giving estimates of repair until the crews get out and inspect things. fractional inch of water in the basement. I know trees are down on roads. My block is barricaded off a small downed tree and a downed service line . One nitwit has already knocked down the barrier and another ran it over. I put it back up for whatever it is worth.

Have they called off work? Glad you're OK!
I made out ok with no damage at home. I will not know about summer home till Saturday. I lost power for a short time last night. I put off working on my machines because I knew murphy's law would have caused all power loss.:)

I had to go to work. monday we left early and had a one hour delayed start today. I think a lot of folks had off though.
the power crews are working lots of OT. still lots of folks without power and not estimate of when repairs will be done.
Im on the coast of Maine and we got off pretty easy here. Power was out for a lot of people, mine was down from Monday Midnight until Tuesday 3PM, but I have an automatic generator so it wasnt a problem. A few trees down around town.

The local power company really planned ahead- I was out Monday afternoon before any serious rain or wind, and the local LOWES parking lot had about 30 utility boom trucks and crews sitting around waiting. They were from out of state, but I couldn't read a license plate to see where.

The HMS BOUNTY loss will hit hard around here, as she was in the local shipyard for the past month, left just over a week ago. This time she got some caulking and minor repairs and bottom paint. She was here 4 or 5 years ago for a major refit, taking nearly a year as I recall. Lots of guys around here worked on her.
Rick, i hope you and all in the affected areas fared well. This was a nasty one!!

Tin....glad you made out ok!!


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