I suppose this is the right forum to give you a little introduction about me. First of all, I want to tell you that your work here is great! I searched for a place like this for some weeks and this one seems to fit my interestes most likely.
My name is Tim, I´m 21 years old and I live in Germany. Excuse my english. I hope it´s good enough
In my "free time" I became a mechanic in about 2 years and I´m a mechanical engineering student in the fifth of seven semesters.
Now that my education to a mechanic has enden, I´m working in the tool construction for my company. Regrettably, I miss the job of a craftsmen and because of that I want to do a bit of modeling at home. Not just a bit. I want to do quite a lot I´m not to experienced in doing these things at home, but I do have the opportunity to do some things at work.
By the end of this century I want to finish this post - I am looking for a nice diesel enginge to build. It does not need to have any particular function.
First of all I need to gather some experiences.
I would love to her some suggestions of you guys. There has to be something great around here
I suppose this is the right forum to give you a little introduction about me. First of all, I want to tell you that your work here is great! I searched for a place like this for some weeks and this one seems to fit my interestes most likely.
My name is Tim, I´m 21 years old and I live in Germany. Excuse my english. I hope it´s good enough
In my "free time" I became a mechanic in about 2 years and I´m a mechanical engineering student in the fifth of seven semesters.
Now that my education to a mechanic has enden, I´m working in the tool construction for my company. Regrettably, I miss the job of a craftsmen and because of that I want to do a bit of modeling at home. Not just a bit. I want to do quite a lot I´m not to experienced in doing these things at home, but I do have the opportunity to do some things at work.
By the end of this century I want to finish this post - I am looking for a nice diesel enginge to build. It does not need to have any particular function.
First of all I need to gather some experiences.
I would love to her some suggestions of you guys. There has to be something great around here