Hello, my name is Samet. I am interested in building steam engines. I just joined the group. I wish I had seen the band before. I feel like I found a treasure. I recorded some of the work I did to be useful.
Hello, my name is Samet. I am interested in building steam engines. I just joined the group. I wish I had seen the band before. I feel like I found a treasure. I recorded some of the work I did to be useful.
Hello, my name is Samet. I am interested in building steam engines. I just joined the group. I wish I had seen the band before. I feel like I found a treasure. I recorded some of the work I did to be useful.
Hello. You have traveled on a wonderful route. I live in Istanbul. If you come, I will be happy to host you.Hoş geldin!
Türkiye'nin insanlarında yaşıyorsunuz? 2009 yılında bir arkadaşımı ziyaret ederek Türkiye'de yaklaşık 2-1/2 hafta geçirme mutluluğunu elde ettik. Adana'dan başladık, Antakya ve Karatepe'yi ziyaret ettik ve ardından sahil boyunca Side üzerinden Antalya'ya doğru dikey, yol boyunca Perga ve Teremessos'u ziyaret ettik. Kuşadası'nı, İzmir'i, Truva'yı, Çanakkale Boğazı'nı sarmalayan Çankale vapuruyla geniş ve İstanbul'a vardı. Harika bir yolculuktu; ne kadar güzel bir ülke
Hello. I didn't build according to plan. I made it entirely according to the material measurements I had.Merhaba. Love your Beethoven. Am interested in your engines. Do you have plans for the tubine? It looks simple enough.
Thank you! I don't know if or when I will be able to go again, but I would like to!Hello. You have traveled on a wonderful route. I live in Istanbul. If you come, I will be happy to host you.