There are many approaches to layout. If you have not already done so do some reading on the subject. such as http://metalwebnews.org/machinist/ch1.html
But even such texts can be confusing.
There are many ways to and tools for layout.
In reality a surface gage and a smooth flat surface is probably adequate for the hobby shop.
a piece of glass or a smooth stone floor tyles have been used.
I worked in a model shop of sorts for several month that had no surface plate or height Gage. the "Surface plate "when we needed one was the table saw table. One of the favored tools there was a layout caliper. Cut one jaw of a a caliper a little shorter than the other then scribe a line.
I will say I do personally use a dial height gauge and granite surface plate. in my home shop as my preferred method. but the older transfer type tools have been used by the apprentice and the skilled for a long time with good results.
Hope this helps.
I don't know if you have a HF type store in Oz that sells mostly Chinese products but this digital gauge is amazingly good for the price. I recently bought one to go with my inexpensive surface plate from Enco and am well pleased with both.