I have a "new" old Jet gearhead drill press with power feed,tapping functions, etc. It is about 10 years old, but had never been used or even hooked up before I acquired it in a trade for some other equipment about a year ago. I have since used it to drill a number of 3/4 inch holes in one inch plate. About 3 hours. The power feed makes this an absolute dream for that kind of work. The head on this unit is virtually identical to my uncles Mill/Drill made by the same company. My question is this: I mainly picked it up because I wanted to learn milling and since finding this site several months ago I have been getting more excited about the prospects. Would it be better to try and use this for milling or should I see if I can sell this and buy or perhaps trade for an actual mill. I am not too worried about the power or strength of the head of this press, it is really overbuilt for the light milling I want to do, but I would need to pick up a mill table and then worry about the rigidity of the whole setup with the table. I have attached a picture from the front cover of the manual. Any advice would be appriciated. Mike