After a few months of thinking about it, I purchased and brought home my first lathe. It's a 1981 South Bend Heavy 10 tool room lathe that was used in a school, and was sitting in a garage for the last 10 or so years. I bought it off the same guy I got my Bridgeport mill from, and both machines have seen very little use. The lathe will be undergoing a full restoration just as I did to my bridgeport. The lathe has all the desirables like a camlock spindle and hardened bedways. It came with a TON of tooling. 3 and 4 jaw chucks, 6 jaw bison set-tru chuck, follow and steady rests, centers, QCTP with attachments, and more. Very happy to finally get it home, and will probably make a few small projects with it before I tear it down.