Very basic question here, when I'm turning on the lathe, doesn't matter what material, brass, aluminium, the finish is very, well best described as scratchy.
I have just use a new index, doesn't matter what speed, by hand or using the auto feed (which is marginally better) the finish is poor, I then have to finish with different grades of emery cloth, which means the finish is then dull. I remember my mentor, when he turned, the finish was always crisp and perfect.
I am relatively new at this, until now, the finish wasn't that important, but now I need to turn some stainless shaft and have a nice finish as its for an rc project which needs exact tolerances, so I want a good finish.
Any ideas appreciated
I have just use a new index, doesn't matter what speed, by hand or using the auto feed (which is marginally better) the finish is poor, I then have to finish with different grades of emery cloth, which means the finish is then dull. I remember my mentor, when he turned, the finish was always crisp and perfect.
I am relatively new at this, until now, the finish wasn't that important, but now I need to turn some stainless shaft and have a nice finish as its for an rc project which needs exact tolerances, so I want a good finish.
Any ideas appreciated