Hey All,
Ok, a couple noobtacular questions that I absolutely cannot find the answer to anywhere... So I will ask you all. Here goes:
1.) The Dataflute End Mills... So like the ones here: https://heritagecutter.com/dataflute/publicstore/catalog/AFI,117.aspx
I want to get AFIST30375 on that list from the link... Two questions basically here then:
1a. How the crap do I order these (I do know that this one end mill will cost me $100
1b. If you click on the "+" sign by the AFIST30375 model from that link, it gives you two coating choices: 86 and 89... What do these refer to? I sure hope that means one of them is TiN coated (if you can even do that in these carbide deals...)
I also see catalogues upon catalogues of DataFlute Brand End Mills at sites like: http://pdf.directindustry.com/pdf/data-flute-cnc/data-flute-catalog/26515-11320.html
But... I do not know how one goes about actually ordering these... Non of these sites have an "Add to Cart" option... That's probably because only big businesses make purchases of these and not some rumchuck like me... But who really knows...
2.) This question just has been a thorn in my side and people look at me sideways when I ask them, but this is a legit question: So, look at the two end mills from these two links:
Now, the one in the first link says "Type: Centercutting." The one in the second link says "Type: Regular"... What gives here? Is the second one center cutting as well? If so, why do they not say so...? In my newbness, it is stuff like this that has given me fits in purchasing end mills...
3.) The end mills I listed above in 2.)... Will those give me a decent "finish" on 7075 and 6061 Aluminum?? This is why I am looking into the Dataflute 3 fluted end mills for finishing work...
I mainly am a startup hobbyist machinist finishing AR15 80% lower receivers... Now, before you all laugh, I want a good finish on the pockets on these things... I will not do this project unless I have a nice shiny finish. WIth the $ I have into my setup, $100 for one end mill that will give me the results I want is chump change at this point....
Thanks in advance for any who are willing to help me out. I have already gotten some great information from this site already!!!
Ok, a couple noobtacular questions that I absolutely cannot find the answer to anywhere... So I will ask you all. Here goes:
1.) The Dataflute End Mills... So like the ones here: https://heritagecutter.com/dataflute/publicstore/catalog/AFI,117.aspx
I want to get AFIST30375 on that list from the link... Two questions basically here then:
1a. How the crap do I order these (I do know that this one end mill will cost me $100
1b. If you click on the "+" sign by the AFIST30375 model from that link, it gives you two coating choices: 86 and 89... What do these refer to? I sure hope that means one of them is TiN coated (if you can even do that in these carbide deals...)
I also see catalogues upon catalogues of DataFlute Brand End Mills at sites like: http://pdf.directindustry.com/pdf/data-flute-cnc/data-flute-catalog/26515-11320.html
But... I do not know how one goes about actually ordering these... Non of these sites have an "Add to Cart" option... That's probably because only big businesses make purchases of these and not some rumchuck like me... But who really knows...
2.) This question just has been a thorn in my side and people look at me sideways when I ask them, but this is a legit question: So, look at the two end mills from these two links:
Now, the one in the first link says "Type: Centercutting." The one in the second link says "Type: Regular"... What gives here? Is the second one center cutting as well? If so, why do they not say so...? In my newbness, it is stuff like this that has given me fits in purchasing end mills...
3.) The end mills I listed above in 2.)... Will those give me a decent "finish" on 7075 and 6061 Aluminum?? This is why I am looking into the Dataflute 3 fluted end mills for finishing work...
I mainly am a startup hobbyist machinist finishing AR15 80% lower receivers... Now, before you all laugh, I want a good finish on the pockets on these things... I will not do this project unless I have a nice shiny finish. WIth the $ I have into my setup, $100 for one end mill that will give me the results I want is chump change at this point....
Thanks in advance for any who are willing to help me out. I have already gotten some great information from this site already!!!