Current Project - Bandsander

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Does the belt stay on the guide wheels when its being used? Without edges on the wheels what keeps the belt from walking off the edges?

Sorry for the negative questions,
Hi Jeff and wEc1 looks great :bow: something i could do with in my shop.
Regards Rob
Nice looking project. And useful too. Going to post the drawings???
What a useful find your friend made there. Nice to see you made use of it and did a great job. I really hate seeing good stuff thrown out.

Nice piece of kit 8) ....... well done, and ........... welcome aboard

Groomengineering said:
Kermit - The wheels are crowned so the belt stays centered.

Knew it had to be something along those lines, but lack of experience makes me ask stupid questions. I tried the pics again and still can't make it out. (I'm blind as well ;) )

Okay, so that's settled. Learned something from you before I have even said Hello!

Hello. :big:
That looks great - presumably those belts come in standard sizes?
Jeff, welcome to HMEM. You'll enjoy being here.

I think you will get a lot of use out of the little sander.

My kids bought me a little table model Delta 1" belts sander a long time ago. I wondered what in the H!!! I would do with that little thing. Since I got into this hobby, I use it every day. Couldn't get along without it.
very nice, how about selling some fellow members a set of castings and plans

Welcome to our forumwEc1

Best Regards
Thanks for the comments guys!

eskimobob said:
That looks great - presumably those belts come in standard sizes?

They are 1"x42". The ones I have are branded JET, so I imagine it's fairly standard among import sanders.

BMyers said:
very nice, how about selling some fellow members a set of castings and plans

Shouldn't be a problem. My foundry guy is a couple hundred miles away so it may be a few weeks before I can get some made up, but yea anyone interested just let me know so I know about how many to make up.

email me bmyers66 at roadrunner dot com
with a price.
It Lives!!!!

Got the table drilled and bolted on, the motor wired up, and it actually runs! ;D

It even looks square, sort of, if you stand back a ways, and tilt your head, and squint.....

Oh well, it'll get adjusted as I use it. Now back to trying to get an engine built. ::)


sometimes tooling diverts attention from engines. Nice job

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